Omea Pro Help: Reference: Search Query Syntax


Omea Reader Help: Reference: Search Query Syntax

Search Query Syntax

As you may have already discovered, doing a search in Omea is easy because all you need to do is simply type one or more search terms (the words or phrase that best describe the information you want to find) into the Basic Search field and hit Enter key or use the Advanced Search for searching resources in Omea or run the Quick Find in the set of resources you are currently working with.

Search query syntax can help you to make the searches you run in Omea more accurate because you can combine the syntax characters with keywords you enter in Basic or Advanced searches.

Please note that search queries which you can enter in Omea are not case sensitive. So, no matter if you enter jetbrains or JetBrains, your search yields the same results.

Use AND or Space to Create Inclusive Queries

If you type AND between the search keywords, the search results will contain documents (resources) with both the words that come before and after AND. For example, if you enter jetbrains AND omea, the search results will contain only items that contain both jetbrains and omea.

If you leave a space between keywords, it will mean the same for Omea as if you write AND between words. For example, jetbrains AND omea and jetbrains omea are actually the same query and will return identical results.

Use OR to Create Queries

Use OR between keywords to create queries which return one of the words which you specify in the search query or both words in the search query.

For example, if you type the query jetbrains OR omea, it will return resources that contain the word jetbrains, or the word omea, or both.

Restrict Search Scope with NEAR

Use NEAR to restrict the scope of the search for two keywords so that the search will return results where these two words both occur in the same sentence.

For example, if you type the query jetbrains NEAR omea, the search will return resources in which the words jetbrains and omea (in upper, lower, or mixed case) occur in the same sentence. Thus, Omea may find this:

JetBrains has added some super new features to Omea, a new tool that helps you tame electronic information overload.

But the following text would not show up because these two words are in different sentences:

Omea is a super new tool that helps you tame electronic information overload. From JetBrains, makers of the award-winning Java™ IDE IntelliJ IDEA.

Exact Phrase Matching with Parentheses ("")

If you put the quotes around the word or phrase, Omea will find only those documents containinng that precise phrase. For example, the query "JetBrains Omea Reader" will, for example, return the following result:

I am back reading blogs, thanks to Jetbrains Omea Reader. Omea Reader is stable, has the features I need and I got a free license for it.

Combining Syntax Elements into Sub-queries

You can create more refined searches by combining syntax elements to form sub-queries. A sub-query is placed in parentheses, ().

The query JetBrains OR (Omea AND organizer) searches for items containing the word JetBrains, or both the words Omea and organizer.

The query syntax elements AND, OR, and NEAR are rendered here in uppercase letters, but this is not required. You can use lowercase in your queries if you prefer.

Restricting Search Results Using the Names of the Document Sections

You can create search queries using the following pattern: token [Section Name]. Instead of a token you need to type the word or phrase to look for and in square brackets [] you need to enter abbreviation which means the name of the document section. Such “structure” will help you limit the scope of your search results because now Omea will search only in the section of the documents (resources available in it) which you type in square brackets.

Use the following abbreviations of the document's sections in Omea:

  1. [SU] or [su] to limit the search results to the subject (heading or title) of the document
  2. [SRC] or [src] to limit the search results to the source where the item comes from; the source can be for example, person's e-mail address or name, feed or news server or the web site address.
  3. [AN] or [an] to limit the search results to the annotation which the resource may contain .

The query JetBrains [Su] will search for items which contain the word JetBrains only in the subject of resources available in Omea. The query Yole [Src] will search for items which contain Yole only in the source or author of the resources.

u can type the document sections names both in uppercase and lowercase letters.

To limit the types of resources which Omea will search for, run the Advanced Search and select the desired type of resources in the Choose Resource Types dialog.

See also:

  1. Search Overview
  2. Basic Search
  3. Advanced Search
  4. Quick Find
  5. Find in Resource