Package net.sf.antcontrib.logic

Class Summary
AntCallBack Subclass of Ant which allows us to fetch properties which are set in the scope of the called target, and set them in the scope of the calling target.
AntFetch Subclass of CallTarget which allows us to fetch properties which are set in the scope of the called target, and set them in the scope of the calling target.
ForEach Task definition for the foreach task.
ForTask Task definition for the for task.
IfTask Perform some tasks based on whether a given condition holds true or not.
OutOfDate Task to help in calling tasks if generated files are older than source files.
OutOfDate.CollectionEnum Enumerated type for collection attribute
OutOfDate.MyMapper Wrapper for mapper - includes dir
Relentless Relentless is an Ant task that will relentlessly execute other tasks, ignoring any failures until all tasks have completed.
RunTargetTask Ant task that runs a target without creating a new project.
Switch Task definition for the ANT task to switch on a particular value.
Throw Extension of <fail> that can throw an exception that is a reference in the project.
TimestampSelector Task definition for the foreach task.
TryCatchTask A wrapper that lets you run a set of tasks and optionally run a different set of tasks if the first set fails and yet another set after the first one has finished.