/* * Copyright 2000-2011 JetBrains s.r.o. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package jetbrains.buildServer.xmlReportPlugin; import java.io.*; import java.util.*; import jetbrains.buildServer.xmlReportPlugin.duplicates.DuplicationReporter; import jetbrains.buildServer.xmlReportPlugin.duplicates.DuplicatingFragment; import jetbrains.buildServer.xmlReportPlugin.duplicates.DuplicationResult; import jetbrains.buildServer.xmlReportPlugin.inspections.InspectionReporter; import jetbrains.buildServer.xmlReportPlugin.inspections.InspectionResult; import jetbrains.buildServer.xmlReportPlugin.inspections.InspectionTypeResult; import jetbrains.buildServer.xmlReportPlugin.tests.TestReporter; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable; public final class TestUtil { static public List readFileToList(@NotNull final File file) throws IOException { final BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(file)); final List lines = new ArrayList(); String line = reader.readLine(); while (line != null) { lines.add(line.replace("/", File.separator).replace("\\", File.separator)); line = reader.readLine(); } Collections.sort(lines); return lines; } public static String getTestDataPath(final String fileName, final String folderName) throws FileNotFoundException { return getTestDataFile(fileName, folderName).getPath(); } public static String getAbsoluteTestDataPath(@Nullable final String fileName, @NotNull final String folderName) throws FileNotFoundException { return getTestDataFile(fileName, folderName).getAbsolutePath(); } public static File getTestDataFile(final String fileName, final String folderName) throws FileNotFoundException { final String relativeFileName = "testData" + (folderName != null ? File.separator + folderName : "") + (fileName != null ? File.separator + fileName : ""); final File file1 = new File(relativeFileName); if (file1.exists()) { return file1; } final File file2 = new File("tests" + File.separator + relativeFileName); if (file2.exists()) { return file2; } final File file3 = new File("svnrepo" + File.separator + "xml-tests-reporting" + File.separator + "tests" + File.separator + relativeFileName); if (file3.exists()) { return file3; } return new File(getTestDataPath("", folderName), fileName); } public static InspectionReporter createInspectionReporter(final StringBuilder results) { return new InspectionReporter() { public void reportInspection(@NotNull final InspectionResult inspection) { results.append(inspection.toString()).append("\n"); } public void reportInspectionType(@NotNull final InspectionTypeResult inspectionType) { results.append(inspectionType.toString()).append("\n"); } public void info(@NotNull final String message) { results.append("MESSAGE: ").append(message).append("\n"); } public void warning(@NotNull final String message) { results.append("WARNING: ").append(message).append("\n"); } public void error(@NotNull final String message) { results.append("ERROR: ").append(message).append("\n"); } }; } public static DuplicationReporter createDuplicationReporter(final StringBuilder results) { return new DuplicationReporter() { public void startDuplicates() { } public void reportDuplicate(@NotNull DuplicationResult duplicate) { results.append("[Cost: ").append(duplicate.getTokens()); results.append(" Hash: ").append(duplicate.getHash()); results.append(" Lines: ").append(duplicate.getLines()).append("\n"); for (final DuplicatingFragment fragment : duplicate.getFragments()) { results.append("[File: ").append(fragment.getPath()); results.append(" Line: ").append(fragment.getLine()); results.append("]\n"); } results.append("]\n\n"); } public void finishDuplicates() { } }; } public static TestReporter createTestResultsWriter(final StringBuilder sb) { return new TestReporter() { public void openTestSuite(@NotNull final String name) { sb.append("TestSuite:").append(name).append("\n"); } public void openTest(@NotNull final String name) { sb.append(" Test:").append(name).append("\n"); } public void testStdOutput(@NotNull final String text) { sb.append(" StdOutput:").append(text).append("\n"); } public void testErrOutput(@NotNull final String text) { sb.append(" ErrOutput:").append(text).append("\n"); } public void testFail(final String error, @Nullable final String stacktrace) { sb.append(" Fail:").append(error).append(" Message: ").append(stacktrace).append("\n"); } public void testIgnored(@NotNull final String message) { sb.append(" Ignored:").append(message).append("\n"); } public void closeTest(final long duration) { sb.append(" EndTest:").append(duration).append("\n------------------------\n"); } public void closeTestSuite() { sb.append("EndSuite").append("\n"); } public void warning(@NotNull final String s) { sb.append("-->Warning: ").append(s).append("\n"); } public void error(@NotNull final String s) { sb.append("-->Error: ").append(s).append("\n"); } public void info(@NotNull final String message) { sb.append("-->Info: ").append(message).append("\n"); } }; } }