Plugin for automatic TeamCity users creation based on detected VCS commits. See for details. Warning: Prototype, beta stage! Prerequisites: - non-default TeamCity authentication scheme is used (with default scheme the created user will be unable to login since noone will create a password for the user) - VCS username is the same as login name for the user in the used TeamCity authentication scheme - user's email has the form of @ Usage: Add the following internal properties ( ): {quote} # user creation switch vcsUsersSync.createUsers=true # set of users to update roles for vcsUsersSync.rolesMode=ONLY_FOR_CREATED_USERS # other supported values are: #vcsUsersSync.rolesMode=ALL_USERS #vcsUsersSync.rolesMode=DISABLED # the role to set to the matching TeamCity user vcsUsersSync.roleId=PROJECT_DEVELOPER #see .BuildServer/config/roles-config.xml for the list or available role ids #email domain {quote} Known Issues: - with default authentication scheme the user created has empty password ToDos: - support adding user into a group instead of assigning role directly - support more complex VCS_username->TeamCity_username andVCS_username->email transformation schemes - support setting any user property (see LDAP)