/* * Copyright 2000-2017 JetBrains s.r.o. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package jetbrains.buildServer.usageStatistics.presentation.impl; import com.intellij.openapi.util.Pair; import com.intellij.openapi.util.UserDataHolder; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.Map; import jetbrains.buildServer.ExtensionHolder; import jetbrains.buildServer.usageStatistics.UsageStatisticsCollector; import jetbrains.buildServer.usageStatistics.UsageStatisticsPublisher; import jetbrains.buildServer.usageStatistics.presentation.*; import jetbrains.buildServer.util.MultiMap; import jetbrains.buildServer.util.positioning.PositionAware; import jetbrains.buildServer.util.positioning.PositionAwareCollection; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable; public class UsageStatisticsPresentationManagerImpl implements UsageStatisticsPresentationManagerEx { @NotNull private static final String MISCELLANEOUS = "Miscellaneous"; @NotNull private final Map myStatisticGroups = new HashMap(); // statistic id -> group name @NotNull private final Map myGroupInfos = new HashMap(); // group name -> group info @NotNull private final Map myPresentationFactories = new HashMap(); // statistic id -> factory @NotNull private final ExtensionHolder myExtensionHolder; public UsageStatisticsPresentationManagerImpl(@NotNull final ExtensionHolder extensionHolder) { myExtensionHolder = extensionHolder; } public void applyPresentation(@NotNull final String id, @Nullable final String displayName, @Nullable final String groupName, @Nullable final UsageStatisticsFormatter formatter, @Nullable final String valueTooltip) { doApplyPresentation(id, displayName, formatter, valueTooltip); if (groupName != null) { myStatisticGroups.put(id, groupName); } } public void setGroupType(@NotNull final String groupName, @NotNull final String groupTypeId, @NotNull final PositionAware groupPosition, @Nullable final UserDataHolder groupSettings) { myGroupInfos.put(groupName, new GroupInfo(groupTypeId, groupPosition, groupSettings)); } @NotNull public LinkedHashMap> groupStatistics(@NotNull final UsageStatisticsCollector collector) { final MultiMap groupedStatistics = new MultiMap(); // group name -> collection of statistics collector.publishCollectedStatistics(new UsageStatisticsPublisher() { public void publishStatistic(@NotNull final String id, @Nullable final Object value) { groupedStatistics.putValue(getGroupName(id), getPresentationFactory(id).createFor(value)); } }); final PositionAwareCollection> groupInfos = new PositionAwareCollection>(); for (final String groupName : groupedStatistics.keySet()) { final GroupInfo groupInfo = getGroupInfo(groupName); groupInfos.add(Pair.create(groupName, groupInfo), groupInfo.getGroupPosition()); } final Map groupTypes = collectGroupTypes(); final LinkedHashMap> groups = new LinkedHashMap>(); for (final Pair pair : groupInfos.getAllSorted()) { final String groupName = pair.getFirst(); final GroupInfo groupInfo = pair.getSecond(); final UsageStatisticsGroupType groupType = groupTypes.get(groupInfo.getGroupTypeId()); if (groupType == null) continue; final UsageStatisticsGroup group = groupType.createGroup(groupInfo.getGroupSettings()); group.setStatistics(groupedStatistics.get(groupName)); groups.put(groupName, Pair.create(groupType.getJspPagePath(), group)); } return groups; } @NotNull private Map collectGroupTypes() { final Map result = new HashMap(); for (final UsageStatisticsGroupType groupType : myExtensionHolder.getExtensions(UsageStatisticsGroupType.class)) { result.put(groupType.getId(), groupType); } return result; } @NotNull private String getGroupName(@NotNull final String id) { if (!myStatisticGroups.containsKey(id)) { myStatisticGroups.put(id, MISCELLANEOUS); } return myStatisticGroups.get(id); } @NotNull private UsageStatisticsPresentationFactory getPresentationFactory(@NotNull final String id) { if (!myPresentationFactories.containsKey(id)) { doApplyPresentation(id, null, null, null); } return myPresentationFactories.get(id); } @NotNull private GroupInfo getGroupInfo(@NotNull final String groupName) { if (!myGroupInfos.containsKey(groupName)) { setGroupType(groupName, UsageStatisticsGroupType.DEFAULT, UsageStatisticsGroupPosition.DEFAULT, null); } return myGroupInfos.get(groupName); } private void doApplyPresentation(@NotNull final String id, @Nullable final String displayName, @Nullable final UsageStatisticsFormatter formatter, @Nullable final String valueTooltip) { myPresentationFactories.put(id, new UsageStatisticsPresentationFactory(id, displayName, formatter, valueTooltip)); } private static class GroupInfo { @NotNull private final String myGroupTypeId; @NotNull private final PositionAware myGroupPosition; @Nullable private final UserDataHolder myGroupSettings; GroupInfo(@NotNull final String groupTypeId, @NotNull final PositionAware groupPosition, @Nullable final UserDataHolder groupSettings) { myGroupTypeId = groupTypeId; myGroupPosition = groupPosition; myGroupSettings = groupSettings; } @NotNull String getGroupTypeId() { return myGroupTypeId; } @NotNull PositionAware getGroupPosition() { return myGroupPosition; } @Nullable UserDataHolder getGroupSettings() { return myGroupSettings; } } }