This plugin allows to take CPU and memory profiling snapshots of the TeamCity server right from the web UI. Home page --------- Installation ------------ Read about plugin installation at 1. Remove any previous copy of the plugin if it was installed (remove serverProfile.jar and yjp-controller-api-redist.jar from TeamCity/webapps/ROOT/WEB-INF/lib directory, ensure you do not have .BuildServer/plugins/serverProfiler directory) 2. Copy file into .BuildServer/plugins directory 3. Copy files from the bin/ directory to the /bin directory. Here is the name of your platform, like win32 for Windows XP, win-amd64 for Windows XP x64 Edition, etc. 4. Add JVM parameter to TeamCity server: -agentpath:c:\\TeamCity\\bin\\yjpagent.dll Related documentation: 5. Check that the parameter is set correctly by making sure the lines starting with "[YourKit Java Profiler ...]" appear in your server console/output. Usage ----- The plugin is controlled from the [Administration > Server Configuration page], general settings, TeamCity Server Profiler section at the bottom of the page. For details please visit plugin home page at