/* * Copyright 2000-2018 JetBrains s.r.o. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package jetbrains.buildServer.server.rest.model; import com.intellij.openapi.util.text.StringUtil; import java.net.URI; import javax.ws.rs.core.UriBuilder; import jetbrains.buildServer.server.rest.data.AbstractFinder; import jetbrains.buildServer.server.rest.data.Locator; import jetbrains.buildServer.server.rest.data.PagedSearchResult; import jetbrains.buildServer.server.rest.errors.OperationException; import jetbrains.buildServer.serverSide.TeamCityProperties; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable; /** * @author Yegor.Yarko * Date: 01.08.2009 */ /** * Provides Href for next and previous pages of paged data */ public class PagerData { public static final String START = "start"; public static final String COUNT = "count"; @NotNull private final String myHref; @Nullable private final String myNextHref; @Nullable private final String myPrevHref; /** * Constructs an object without prev/next links * @param href relative not transformed URL */ public PagerData(@NotNull String href){ myHref = href; myNextHref = null; myPrevHref = null; } /** * @param uriBuilder UriBuilder for the current Url * @param start number of the starting item on the current page * @param count count of the items on a page * @param currentPageRealCount number of items on the current page * @param locatorText if specified, 'locatorQueryParameterName' should also be specified, replaces/adds start/count in the locator query parameter instead of the URL query parameters * @param locatorQueryParameterName */ public PagerData(@NotNull final UriBuilder uriBuilder, @NotNull final String contextPath, @NotNull final PagedSearchResult pagedResult, @Nullable final String locatorText, @Nullable final String locatorQueryParameterName) { final Long start = pagedResult.myStart; final Long count = pagedResult.myCount == null ? null : Long.valueOf(pagedResult.myCount); long currentPageRealCount = pagedResult.myActualCount; myHref = getRelativePath(uriBuilder.build(), contextPath); //todo: investigate a way to preserve order of the parameters UriModification nextHref; UriBuilder prevHref; if (start == null || start == 0) { prevHref = null; if (count == null || currentPageRealCount < count) { nextHref = null; } else { nextHref = getModifiedBuilder(uriBuilder, 0 + count, count, locatorText, locatorQueryParameterName); } } else { if (count == null) { nextHref = null; prevHref = getModifiedBuilder(uriBuilder, 0, start, locatorText, locatorQueryParameterName).getBuilder(); } else { if (currentPageRealCount < count) { nextHref = null; } else { nextHref = getModifiedBuilder(uriBuilder, start + count, count, locatorText, locatorQueryParameterName); } final long itemsFromStart = start - count; if (itemsFromStart < 0) { prevHref = getModifiedBuilder(uriBuilder, 0, start, locatorText, locatorQueryParameterName).getBuilder(); } else { prevHref = getModifiedBuilder(uriBuilder, itemsFromStart, count, locatorText, locatorQueryParameterName).getBuilder(); } } } if (pagedResult.myLookupLimit != null && pagedResult.myLookupLimitReached) { if (StringUtil.isEmpty(locatorQueryParameterName)) { throw new OperationException("TeamCity REST API implementation error: lookupLimit is passed while no locator parameter name is specified."); } if (currentPageRealCount == 0) { nextHref = new UriModification(uriBuilder, locatorText); } else { nextHref = getModifiedBuilder(uriBuilder, (start != null ? start : 0) + currentPageRealCount, (count != null ? count : 0), locatorText, locatorQueryParameterName); } final String newLocator = Locator.setDimension(nextHref.getCurrentLocatorText(), AbstractFinder.DIMENSION_LOOKUP_LIMIT, getNextLookUpLimit(pagedResult.myLookupLimit)); nextHref = new UriModification(nextHref.getBuilder().replaceQueryParam(locatorQueryParameterName, Util.encodeUrlParamValue(newLocator)), newLocator); } myNextHref = nextHref == null ? null : getRelativePath(nextHref.getBuilder().build(), contextPath); myPrevHref = prevHref == null ? null : getRelativePath(prevHref.build(), contextPath); } private long getNextLookUpLimit(final long currentLookupLimit) { final long exponentialNextStep = Math.round((double)currentLookupLimit * TeamCityProperties.getFloat("rest.page.nextLookupLimitMultiplier", 2.0f)) - currentLookupLimit; final long maxNextStep = TeamCityProperties.getLong("rest.page.nextLookupLimitMaxStep", 5000); if (exponentialNextStep > maxNextStep) { if (maxNextStep < 1) { return currentLookupLimit + 1; //protection against looping } return currentLookupLimit + maxNextStep; } if (currentLookupLimit < 1) { return currentLookupLimit + 1; //protection against looping } return currentLookupLimit + exponentialNextStep; } private UriModification getModifiedBuilder(@NotNull final UriBuilder baseUriBuilder, final long start, @Nullable final Long count, @Nullable final String locatorText, @Nullable final String locatorQueryParameterName) { final UriBuilder newBuilder = baseUriBuilder.clone(); if (StringUtil.isEmpty(locatorQueryParameterName)) { final UriBuilder startPatched = newBuilder.replaceQueryParam(START, start); final UriBuilder result = count == null ? startPatched : startPatched.replaceQueryParam(COUNT, count); return new UriModification(result, null); } newBuilder.replaceQueryParam(START, null).replaceQueryParam(COUNT, null); final String locatorWithStart = Locator.setDimension(locatorText, START, start); String newLocator = count == null ? locatorWithStart : Locator.setDimension(locatorWithStart, COUNT, count); return new UriModification(newBuilder.replaceQueryParam(locatorQueryParameterName, Util.encodeUrlParamValue(newLocator)), newLocator); } class UriModification { @NotNull private final UriBuilder myBuilder; @Nullable private final String myCurrentLocatorText; public UriModification(@NotNull final UriBuilder builder, @Nullable final String currentLocatorText) { myBuilder = builder; myCurrentLocatorText = currentLocatorText; } @NotNull public UriBuilder getBuilder() { return myBuilder; } @Nullable public String getCurrentLocatorText() { return myCurrentLocatorText; } } @NotNull public String getHref() { return myHref; } @Nullable public String getNextHref() { return myNextHref; } @Nullable public String getPrevHref() { return myPrevHref; } @NotNull private static String getRelativePath(@NotNull final URI uri, @Nullable final String pathPrefixToExclude) { String path = uri.getRawPath(); assert path != null; StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); if (pathPrefixToExclude != null && path.startsWith(pathPrefixToExclude)) { path = path.substring(pathPrefixToExclude.length()); } sb.append(path); if (uri.getQuery() != null) { sb.append('?').append(uri.getRawQuery()); } if (uri.getFragment() != null) { sb.append('#').append(uri.getRawFragment()); } return sb.toString(); } }