/* * Copyright 2000-2014 JetBrains s.r.o. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package jetbrains.buildServer.agent.rakerunner.utils; import com.intellij.openapi.util.Pair; import java.io.File; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import jetbrains.buildServer.ExecResult; import jetbrains.buildServer.RunBuildException; import jetbrains.buildServer.agent.rakerunner.ModifiableRunnerContext; import jetbrains.buildServer.agent.rakerunner.RakeTasksBuildService; import jetbrains.buildServer.agent.ruby.RubySdk; import jetbrains.buildServer.rakerunner.RakeRunnerConstants; import jetbrains.buildServer.util.CollectionsUtil; import jetbrains.buildServer.util.filters.Filter; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NonNls; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable; import static com.intellij.openapi.util.io.FileUtil.toSystemIndependentName; import static jetbrains.buildServer.rakerunner.RakeRunnerConstants.TEST_UNIT_GEM_VERSION_PROPERTY; /** * @author Roman.Chernyatchik */ public class TestUnitUtil { @NonNls public static final String AUTORUNNER_SCRIPT_PATH = "test/unit/autorunner.rb"; @NonNls public static final String TESTRUNNERMEDIATOR_SCRIPT_PATH = "test/unit/ui/testrunnermediator.rb"; @NonNls public static final String TEST_UNIT_GEM_NAME = "test-unit"; @NonNls public static final String MINITEST_RUNNER_UNIT_SCRIPT_PATH = "minitest/unit.rb"; @NotNull public static String getSDKTestUnitAutoRunnerScriptPath(@NotNull final RubySdk sdk, @NotNull final ModifiableRunnerContext context) throws RakeTasksBuildService.MyBuildFailureException, RunBuildException { return findTestUnitScript(sdk, AUTORUNNER_SCRIPT_PATH, context); } @NotNull public static String getSDKTestUnitTestRunnerMediatorScriptPath(@NotNull final RubySdk sdk, @NotNull final ModifiableRunnerContext context) throws RakeTasksBuildService.MyBuildFailureException, RunBuildException { return findTestUnitScript(sdk, TESTRUNNERMEDIATOR_SCRIPT_PATH, context); } @Nullable public static String getRuby19SDKMiniTestRunnerScriptPath(@NotNull final RubySdk sdk) { return findInSdkRoots(sdk, MINITEST_RUNNER_UNIT_SCRIPT_PATH); } /** * Finds script with given relative path in test-unit gem or Test::Unit framework bundled in SDK * * @param scriptPath Path of given script * @param buildParameters Build params * @return Full path of given script * @throws jetbrains.buildServer.agent.rakerunner.RakeTasksBuildService.MyBuildFailureException * If script will not be found * @throws jetbrains.buildServer.RunBuildException * Other error */ @NotNull public static String findTestUnitScript(@NotNull final RubySdk sdk, @NotNull final String scriptPath, @NotNull final ModifiableRunnerContext context) throws RakeTasksBuildService.MyBuildFailureException, RunBuildException { // At first let's try to find script in "test-unit" gem // then in sdk load path final String forcedTestUnitGemVersion = RubySDKUtil.getForcedGemVersion(TEST_UNIT_GEM_VERSION_PROPERTY, context.getBuildParameters()); // if option is "built-in" let's use built-in Test::Unit in Ruby 1.8.x sdk // else use custom gem version final boolean forceUseBuiltInTestUnit = RakeRunnerConstants.TEST_UNIT_USE_BUILTIN_VERSION_PARAM.equals(forcedTestUnitGemVersion); if (!forceUseBuiltInTestUnit) { // use bundler gems root if it is defined! (i.e. we use bundle exec emulation with custom gem paths) final String bundlerGemRoot = BundlerUtil.determineGemsRootsAccordingToBundlerSettings(sdk, context); final String[] gemPaths = bundlerGemRoot == null ? sdk.getGemPaths() : new String[]{bundlerGemRoot}; // If user overrides bundler.path sys var or uses project custom bundle.. // we need to look for test-unit gems in "frozen" paths final Pair gemInfo; if (forcedTestUnitGemVersion != null) { gemInfo = RubySDKUtil.findGemRootFolderAndVersion(TEST_UNIT_GEM_NAME, gemPaths, forcedTestUnitGemVersion); } else { List> gems = RubySDKUtil.findGemsByName(TEST_UNIT_GEM_NAME, gemPaths); final String version = sdk.getVersion(); final String gv = version != null ? version + ".0" : ""; gems = CollectionsUtil.filterCollection(gems, new Filter>() { public boolean accept(@NotNull final Pair data) { // Ruby-2.0.0 and newer with test-unit compatibility layer using minitest return !data.second.equals(gv); } }); gemInfo = gems.isEmpty() ? null : Collections.max(gems, new RubySDKUtil.GemInfoPairComparator()); } if (gemInfo != null) { final String path = gemInfo.first; final String version = gemInfo.second; final String fullScriptPath = path + File.separatorChar + "lib" + File.separatorChar + scriptPath; if (FileUtil2.checkIfExists(fullScriptPath)) { return fullScriptPath; } else { // Error: Script wasn't found in test-unit gem final String msg = "Rake runner isn't compatible with your'" + TEST_UNIT_GEM_NAME + "-" + version + "'(" + path + ") gem. Please submit a feature request."; throw new RakeTasksBuildService.MyBuildFailureException(msg); } } else { // test-unit gem not found if (forcedTestUnitGemVersion != null) { // not "built-in", but something specified final String msg = "test-unit gem with version '" + forcedTestUnitGemVersion + "' wasn't found in Gem paths of Ruby SDK with interpreter: '" + sdk.getName() + "'.\n" + "Gem paths:\n" + (bundlerGemRoot == null ? sdk.getGemPathsFetchLog().getStdout() : bundlerGemRoot); throw new RakeTasksBuildService.MyBuildFailureException(msg); } } } // find test-unit in load path final String fullScriptPath = findInSdkRoots(sdk, scriptPath); if (fullScriptPath != null) { return fullScriptPath; } // If stderr isn't empty / JAVA_HOME error final ExecResult gemPathsLog = sdk.getGemPathsFetchLog(); RubySDKUtil.failIfWithErrors(gemPathsLog); final ExecResult loadPathsLog = sdk.getLoadPathsFetchLog(); RubySDKUtil.failIfWithErrors(loadPathsLog); // General error message final StringBuilder msg = new StringBuilder(); if (forceUseBuiltInTestUnit) { msg.append("You asked TC to use built-in Test::Unit test framework, but file '"); } else { msg.append("File '"); } msg.append(scriptPath).append("' wasn't found in Gem paths and in $LOAD_PATH of " + "Ruby SDK with interpreter: '").append(sdk.getName()).append("'.\n"); if (sdk.isRuby19()) { msg.append("Rake runner detected that your are using Ruby 1.9. " + "So please install 'test-unit' gem because simplified Test::Unit framework, " + "which is bundled in Ruby 1.9, doesn't support pluggable test reporters.\n"); } msg.append("\nGem paths:\n").append(gemPathsLog.getStdout()).append("\n\n"); msg.append("$LOAD_PATH:\n").append(loadPathsLog.getStdout()); throw new RakeTasksBuildService.MyBuildFailureException(msg.toString()); } @Nullable private static String findInSdkRoots(@NotNull final RubySdk sdk, @NotNull final String relativeScriptPath) { final String[] loadPaths = sdk.getLoadPath(); for (String path : loadPaths) { final String fullScriptPath = toSystemIndependentName(path + File.separatorChar + relativeScriptPath); if (FileUtil2.checkIfExists(fullScriptPath)) { return fullScriptPath; } } return null; } }