Rake tasks runner support for TeamCity 4.x and newer ============= 1. Build * Checkout ruby sources from https://github.com/JetBrains/intellij-plugins/tree/master/ruby-testing/src/rb/testing into "lib/rb" directory * Open project in Intellij IDEA (http://jetbrains.com/idea) * In IDEA configure TeamCityDistribution Path Variable. It should point to directory containing TeamCity. You may download and unpack TeamCity-XXXXX.tar.gz (http://jetbrains.com/teamcity) into some folder. You may read more about Path Variables in IDEA help. * Build -> Build Artifacts... -> plugin_zip 2. Deploying * Copy "out/artifacts/plugin_zip/rake-runner.zip" to "[TeamCityDataDirectory]/plugins" folder 3. Sources |- root |--- [rake-runner-agent] - Agent's part of Teamcity Rake Runner, JAVA sources |--- [rake-runner-common] - Common code for Agent's and Server's parts or Teamcity Rake Runner, JAVA |--- [rake-runner-server] - Server's part of Teamcity Rake Runner, JAVA |--- [rake-runner-test] - Tests for rake-runner. TeamCity tests API is required for running tests |--- [lib/rb] - Unpacked RUBY part of plugin. |--- [out] - Compilation output directory |--- [out/artifacts] - Build artifacts |--- copyright.txt - Copyright for sources |--- HowToBuild.txt - this file 4. Internal Properties Debug loggers options: System properties: * "teamcity.rake.runner.debug.mode" - set variable to enable loggin from JAVA code of agent part