More Conditions

These conditions are suitable for use in the <bool> element. Unfortunately, they cannot be used in the <condition> task, although all conditions for the <condition> task can be used with the <bool> and the <bool> can be used anywhere that <condition> can be used.


Given a property name, tests whether the value for that property equals "true" (or "yes" or "on").

Table 5.2. IfPropertyTrue Attributes

Attribute Description Required
property The name of a property to test the value of. Yes

<ispropertytrue property="myprop"/>
<ispropertytrue property="${someprop}"/>


Given a property name, tests whether the value for that property equals "false" (or "no" or "off").

Table 5.3. IfPropertyFalse Attributes

Attribute Description Required
property The name of a property to test the value of. Yes

<ispropertyfalse property="myprop"/>
<ispropertyfalse property="${someprop}"/>


Given a property name, tests whether the value for that property starts with a specified string.

Table 5.4. StartsWith Attributes

Attribute Description Required
string The string to test. Yes
with Check if 'string' starts with this value. Yes

<startswith string="abcdefg" with="abc"/>
<startswith string="${myprop}" with="foo"/>


Given a property name, tests whether the value for that ends with with a specified string.

Table 5.5. EndsWith Attributes

Attribute Description Required
string The string to test. Yes
with Check if 'string' ends with this value. Yes

<endswith string="abcdefg" with="efg"/>
<endswith string="${myprop}" with="bar"/>


Tests whether the first argument is greater than the second argument. Will automatically treat the arguments as numbers if both arguments consists of only the characters 0 through 9 and optionally a decimal point. Otherwise, a String comparison is used.

Table 5.6. IsGreaterThan Attributes

Attribute Description Required
arg1 The first argument. Yes
arg2 The second argument. Yes

<!-- evaluates to true -->
<isgreaterthan arg1="6.02" arg2="4"/>

<!-- evaluates to false -->
<isgreaterthan arg1="bar" arg2="foo"/>


Tests whether the first argument is less than the second argument. Will automatically treat the arguments as numbers if both arguments consists of only the characters 0 through 9 and optionally a decimal point. Otherwise, a String comparison is used.

Table 5.7. IsLessThan Attributes

Attribute Description Required
arg1 The first argument. Yes
arg2 The second argument. Yes

<!-- evaluates to false -->
<islessthan arg1="6.02" arg2="4"/>

<!-- evaluates to true -->
<islessthan arg1="bar" arg2="foo"/>

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