Antclipse Task

Creator: Adrian Spinei (


UNSTABLE CODE, some parameters are supposed to change

This task creates classpaths or filesets based on your current .classpath file generated by Eclipse

Classpath creation is simple, it just produces a classpath that you can subsequently retrieve by its refid. The filesets are a little trickier, because the task is producing a fileset per directory in the case of sources and another separate fileset for the output file. Which is not necessarily bad, since the content of each directory usually serves a different purpose. Now, in order to avoit conflicting refids each fileset has a name composed by the idcontainer, followed by a dash and postfixed by the path. Supposing that your output path is bin/classes and the idcontainer is default, the task will create a fileset with refid "antclipse-bin/classes". The fileset will include all the files contained in your output directory, but without the trailing path bin/classes (as you usually strip it when creating the distribution jar).

If you have two source directories, called src and test, you'll be provided with two filesets, with refids like antclipse-src and antclipse-test. However, you don't have to code manually the path since some properties are created as a "byproduct" each time you execute the task. Their name is "idref" postfixed by "outpath" and "srcpath" (in the case of the source, you'll find the location of the first source directory).


Attribute Description Required
produce This parameter tells the task wether to produce a "classpath" or a "fileset" (multiple filesets, as a matter of fact). Yes
idcontainer The refid which will serve to identify the deliverables. When multiple filesets are produces, their refid is a concatenation between this value and something else (usually obtained from a path). Default "antclipse" No
includelibs Boolean, whether to include or not the project libraries. Default is true. No
includesource Boolean, whether to include or not the project source directories. Default is false. No
includeoutput Boolean, whether to include or not the project output directories. Default is false. No
verbose Boolean, telling the app to throw some info during each step. Default is false. No
includes A regexp for files to include. It is taken into account only when producing a classpath, doesn't work on source or output files. It is a real regexp, not a "*" expression. No
excludes A regexp for files to exclude. It is taken into account only when producing a classpath, doesn't work on source or output files. It is a real regexp, not a "*" expression. No

Parameters specified as nested elements

None at the moment.



This is a pretty self-explanatory Ant script, just follow the comments.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<project default="compile" name="test" basedir=".">
<taskdef name="antclipse" classname="net.sf.antcontrib.antclipse.ClassPathTask"/>
<target name="make.fs.output">
	<!-- creates a fileset including all the files from the output directory, called ecl1-bin if your binary directory is bin/ -->
	<antclipse produce="fileset" idcontainer="ecl1" includeoutput="true" includesource="false"
	includelibs="false" verbose="true"/>
<target name="make.fs.sources">
	<!-- creates a fileset for each source directory, called ecl2-*source-dir-name*/ -->
	<antclipse produce="fileset" idcontainer="ecl2" includeoutput="false" includesource="true"
	includelibs="false" verbose="true"/>
<target name="make.fs.libs">
	<!-- creates a fileset sontaining all your project libs called ecl3/ -->
	<antclipse produce="fileset" idcontainer="ecl3" verbose="true"/>
<target name="make.cp">
	<!-- creates a fileset sontaining all your project libs called ecl3/ -->
	<antclipse produce="classpath" idcontainer="eclp" verbose="true" includeoutput="true"/>
<target name="compile" depends="make.fs.libs, make.fs.output, make.fs.sources, make.cp">
    <echo message="The output path is ${ecl1outpath}"/>
    <echo message="The source path is ${ecl2srcpath}"/>
    <!-- makes a jar file with the content of the output directory -->
	<zip destfile="out.jar"><fileset refid="ecl1-${ecl1outpath}"/></zip>
	<!-- makes a zip file with all your sources (supposing you have only source directory) -->
	 <zip destfile=""><fileset refid="ecl2-${ecl2srcpath}"/></zip>
	<!-- makes a big zip file with all your project libraries -->
	 <zip destfile=""><fileset refid="ecl3"/></zip>
	 <!-- imports the classpath into a property then echoes the property -->
	 <property name="cpcontent" refid="eclp"/>
	<echo>The newly created classpath is ${cpcontent}</echo>

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