package jetbrains.buildserver.metarunner.xml import import javax.xml.XMLConstants import javax.xml.validation.SchemaFactory import import org.xml.sax.{InputSource} import scala.xml.{Node, Elem} import com.intellij.openapi.util.text.StringUtil import collection.JavaConversions._ import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull /** * @author Eugene Petrenko ( * 07.12.10 15:07 */ class MetaRunnerSpecParser { def parse(spec: File) = { // A schema can be loaded in like ... val sf = SchemaFactory.newInstance(XMLConstants.W3C_XML_SCHEMA_NS_URI) val s = sf.newSchema(new StreamSource(getClass.getResourceAsStream("/meta-runner-config.xsd"))) val is: InputSource = new InputSource(spec.getPath) val xml = new SchemaAwareFactoryAdapter(s).load(is) val res = Nil def parseType(param: Elem) = { param match { case x@ {_*} => TextType(false) case x@ {_*} => HiddenType //TODO: support choise case x => throw new RuntimeException("Failed to parse: " + x) } } def parseScope(param: Node) = { (param \ "@scope").text match { case "runner" => RunnerScope case "build" => BuildScope case x => throw new RuntimeException("Failed to parse scope: " + x) } } val runTypeValue = (xml \ "@runType").text val runTypeShortName = (xml \ "@shortName").text val runTypeDescription = (xml \ "description").text val paramDefs = (xml \ "runner-parameters" \ "parameter").map(elem => { new ParameterDefImpl( (elem \ "@name").text, HiddenType, (elem \ "@default").text, (elem \ "short-name").text, (elem \ "description").text ) }).toList def parseStepParameterList(elem: Node, scope: ParameterScope): List[RunnerParameter] = { (elem \ "param").map(elem=> { val key = (elem \ "@name").text val valueText = (elem \ "value").text val valueAttribute = (elem \ "@value").text val defValue = if (StringUtil.isEmptyOrSpaces(valueText)) valueAttribute else valueText (new RunnerParameter(key, scope, defValue)) }).toList } def parseStepParameters(elem: Node): List[RunnerParameter] = { (elem \ "parameters").flatMap(elem => parseStepParameterList(elem, parseScope(elem))).toList } val stepDefs = (xml \ "steps" \ "step").map((elem) => { new StepDef( (elem \ "@run-type").text, new RunnerResources((elem \ "resource" \ "@relative-path").text), parseStepParameters(elem) ) }) new RunnerSpec { @NotNull val runType = runTypeValue @NotNull val runners : java.util.Collection[_ <: RunnerStepSpec] = stepDefs @NotNull val parameterDefs : java.util.Collection[_ <: ParameterDef] = paramDefs @NotNull val description = runTypeDescription @NotNull val shortName = runTypeShortName @NotNull val getMetaRunnerRoot = spec.getParentFile() @NotNull val getMetaRunnerXml = spec } } class XmlFormatException extends RuntimeException }