import jetbrains.buildServer.ComparisonFailureData import jetbrains.buildServer.ComparisonFailureUtil import jetbrains.buildServer.agent.AgentRuntimeProperties import jetbrains.buildServer.gradle.GradleRunnerConstants import jetbrains.buildServer.gradle.agent.GradleBuildProblem import jetbrains.buildServer.messages.serviceMessages.* import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean /* * Copyright 2000-2013 JetBrains s.r.o. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ initscript { dependencies { def teamCityInitLib = System.getenv("TEAMCITY_BUILD_INIT_PATH") "Init lib: ${teamCityInitLib}" def classPathFiles = teamCityInitLib.split(File.pathSeparator) classpath files(classPathFiles) } } public class DependencyBasedTestRun { def logger public DependencyBasedTestRun(Logger logger) { this.logger = logger } public def configureGradle(Gradle gradle) { def rootProject = gradle.rootProject def incrementalOption = System.getenv(GradleRunnerConstants.ENV_INCREMENTAL_PARAM); logger.debug("Received following incremental setting: ${incrementalOption}") switch(incrementalOption) { case GradleRunnerConstants.ENV_INCREMENTAL_VALUE_SKIP: logger.debug("Incremental building is enabled, but full rebuild is forced"); gradle.startParameter.taskNames = ["build"]; break; case GradleRunnerConstants.ENV_INCREMENTAL_VALUE_PROCEED: logger.debug("Will look for affected projects") def modifiedProjects = findAffectedProjects(rootProject); if (modifiedProjects.empty) { logger.debug("No affected projects found. Running full build.") gradle.startParameter.taskNames = ["build"] } else { gradle.startParameter.taskNames = modifiedProjects.collect { it + ":buildDependents" } logger.debug("Will start with following tasks: ${gradle.startParameter.taskNames}") } break; default: logger.debug("Incremental building is not enabled"); } } private def findAffectedProjects(Project project) { if (project.teamcity.containsKey(AgentRuntimeProperties.CHANGED_FILES_FILE_PARAM)) { def changedFiles = readChangedFiles(project.teamcity); def sourceSetsToProject = readSourceSets(project); logger.debug("Modified Files: ${changedFiles}") logger.debug("SourceSets to Project: ${sourceSetsToProject}") def changedProjects = [] changedFiles.each { path -> sourceSetsToProject.findAll({ path.startsWith(it.key) }).collect(changedProjects) {it.value} } logger.debug("Changes detected in following projects:") logger.debug("${changedProjects}") return changedProjects } } private def readSourceSets(Project proj) { def result = [:] proj.allprojects { def collectRelativePath = { File file -> def path = proj.relativePath(file.getAbsolutePath()).replace('\\','/') result[path] = project.getPath() } if (delegate.hasProperty("sourceSets")) { sourceSets*.allSource.srcDirs*.each collectRelativePath sourceSets*.resources.srcDirs*.each collectRelativePath } } return result } private def readChangedFiles(Map TCProps) { String filename = TCProps[""] def lines = new File(filename).readLines() def personalMatch = /(.*):(.*):/ def allMatch = /(.*):(.*):(.*)/ if (lines.any { it ==~ personalMatch }) { return lines.grep(~personalMatch).collect { (it =~ personalMatch)[0][1] } } else { return lines.collect { (it =~ allMatch)[0][1] } } } } public class TeamcityPropertiesListener implements ProjectEvaluationListener { AtomicBoolean initScriptStartReported = new AtomicBoolean(false); def logger; public TeamcityPropertiesListener(Logger log) { logger = log } public void beforeEvaluate(Project project) { loadProps(project); // Marker for TeamCity listener that shows that init script started to execute successfully if (initScriptStartReported.compareAndSet(false, true)) { logger.lifecycle(GradleRunnerConstants.STARTING_TEAMCITY_BUILD_PREFIX + project.teamcity["build.number"]) } } public void afterEvaluate(Project project, ProjectState projectState) { if (project.hasProperty("teamcity")) { loadTestJvmArgs(project); } } private def loadTestJvmArgs(Project project) { String jvmArgs = (String) project.teamcity["gradle.test.jvmargs"] TaskCollection testTasks = project.getTasks().withType(Test.class) if (jvmArgs != null && testTasks != null) { for (Test task: testTasks) { final String[] arguments = jvmArgs.split("\n"); task.jvmArgs(arguments); } } } private void loadProps(Project p) { String propsFilePath = System.getProperty(AgentRuntimeProperties.AGENT_BUILD_PARAMS_FILE_PROP); if (null == propsFilePath) { propsFilePath = System.getenv(AgentRuntimeProperties.AGENT_BUILD_PARAMS_FILE_ENV); } if (null != propsFilePath) { File propsFile = p.file(propsFilePath); Properties props = new Properties(); InputStream inStream = null; try { inStream = new FileInputStream(propsFile); props.load(inStream); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); } catch (IOException e) { logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); } finally { if (null != inStream) { try { inStream.close(); } catch (IOException e) { Logger.log(LogLevel.ERROR, "Failed to close file stream!", e); } } } addCustomProperties(p, props) } else { addCustomProperties(p, new HashMap()) } } private void addCustomProperties(Project p, Map props) { if (p.hasProperty("ext")) { props.each { k,v -> p.ext.set(k, v)} p.ext.teamcity = props } else { p.setProperty("teamcity", props) } } } public class TeamcityTaskListener implements TaskExecutionListener, TaskActionListener { public static final String DEFAULT_FLOW_ID_PREFIX = "%%teamcity%%-" def taskMessages = new ConcurrentHashMap() def blockOpenMessagesCache = new ConcurrentHashMap() def logger boolean isParallelExec def flowIdPrefix = DEFAULT_FLOW_ID_PREFIX; public TeamcityTaskListener(Logger log, boolean parallelExec) { logger = log; isParallelExec = parallelExec; } String getProjectFlowId(project) { return String.valueOf(project.getPath().hashCode()); } public void beforeExecute(Task task) { ServiceMessage message; if (task instanceof AbstractCompile) { TeamCityOutputListener errorListener = taskMessages.get(task); if (null == errorListener) { // during the tasks execution service messages generated by us can be caught by TeamCityOutputListener // to prevent this we add flowIdPrefix to their flowId attribute and this allows TeamCityOutputListener class to exclude them errorListener = new TeamCityOutputListener("flowId='" + flowIdPrefix); taskMessages.put(task, errorListener); } errorListener.reset(); task.getLogging().addStandardOutputListener(errorListener); task.getLogging().addStandardErrorListener(errorListener); message = addFlowId(task, new CompilationStarted(task.getPath())); } else { message = addFlowId(task, new BlockOpened(task.getPath())); } def oldMessage = popFromBlockOpenCache(task) if (oldMessage != null) { logger.debug("Unexpected BlockOpen message cache content: key=[${task.getPath()}] value=[${oldMessage}]"); logger.lifecycle(message.asString()); } logger.debug("BeforeExecute: storing message: key=[${task.getPath()}] value=[${message.asString().substring(2)}]"); blockOpenMessagesCache.put(task, message); } public void afterExecute(Task task, TaskState taskState) { try { if (handleTaskSkippedState(task, taskState)) { return; } handleTaskFinishedState(task, taskState) } finally { taskMessages.remove(task); } } private void handleTaskFinishedState(Task task, TaskState taskState) { ServiceMessage blockCloseMessage; if (task instanceof AbstractCompile) { Throwable failure = taskState.getFailure(); if (null != failure) { final TeamCityOutputListener outputListener = taskMessages.get(task); outputListener.getMessages().each { message -> logger.lifecycle(addFlowId(task, new Message(message, "ERROR", null)).asString()); // compilation failure } } blockCloseMessage = addFlowId(task, new CompilationFinished(task.getPath())); } else { blockCloseMessage = addFlowId(task, new BlockClosed(task.getPath())); } logger.lifecycle(blockCloseMessage.asString()); } /** * Handle possible task up-to-date skip. * Checks if task was skipped. If so, reposts sequence of BlockOpened-BlockClosed messages with proper text * Otherwise, prints BlockOpened message, if it was not printed yet. * @param task * @param taskState * @return true if task was skipped. */ private boolean handleTaskSkippedState(Task task, TaskState taskState) { def message = popFromBlockOpenCache(task); def skipped = false; if (message != null) { if (taskState.getSkipped()) { logger.debug("No actions were executed for task [${task}]. Task was skipped because [${taskState.getSkipMessage()}].") def text; if (message instanceof CompilationStarted) { text = ((CompilationStarted)message).getCompilerName(); } else { text = ((BlockOpened)message).getBlockName(); } text += " ${taskState.getSkipMessage()}"; if (message instanceof CompilationStarted) { logger.lifecycle(addFlowId(task, new CompilationStarted(text)).asString()); logger.lifecycle(addFlowId(task, new CompilationFinished(text)).asString()); } else { logger.lifecycle(addFlowId(task, new BlockOpened(text)).asString()); logger.lifecycle(addFlowId(task, new BlockClosed(text)).asString()); } skipped = true; } else { logger.debug("No actions were executed for task [${task}]. But task was not skipped, sending blockOpenmessage [${message.asString().substring(2)}]") logger.lifecycle(message.asString()) } } skipped } private ServiceMessage popFromBlockOpenCache(Task task) { ServiceMessage message = blockOpenMessagesCache.get(task); blockOpenMessagesCache.remove(task); return message } void beforeActions(final Task task) { ServiceMessage message = popFromBlockOpenCache(task); if (message != null) { logger.debug("BeforeActions: task [${task}]. Sending blockOpen message [${message.asString().substring(2)}]") logger.lifecycle(message.asString()); } else { logger.debug("BeforeActions: null message for task [${task}]. Will not send service message") } } void afterActions(final Task task) { // do nothing } ServiceMessage addFlowId(task, message) { if (isParallelExec) { message.setFlowId(flowIdPrefix + String.valueOf(task.getPath().hashCode())) } return message } private class TeamCityOutputListener implements StandardOutputListener { private volatile StringBuffer text = new StringBuffer() private String ignoreMarker TeamCityOutputListener(final String ignoreMarker) { this.ignoreMarker = ignoreMarker } public void onOutput(CharSequence chars) { def str = chars.toString(); if (str.contains(ignoreMarker)) return; text.append(str) } public Collection getMessages() { def lines = text.toString().split('\\r?\\n'); def res = [] for (line in lines) { def trimmed = line.trim(); if (trimmed.length() > 0) { res.add(line); } } return res; } public void reset() { text = new StringBuffer() } } } public class TeamcityTestListener { private static final int MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE = Integer.getInteger("teamcity.gradle.stacktrace.maxLength", 24 * 1024) def logger Test baseTask boolean isParallelBuild private String projectFlowId private ConcurrentMap testOutputs = new ConcurrentHashMap() private Map startedFlowIds = new ConcurrentHashMap(); boolean skipStdErr = false boolean skipStdOut = false public TeamcityTestListener(log, task, isParallel) { logger = log isParallelBuild = isParallel projectFlowId = TeamcityTaskListener.DEFAULT_FLOW_ID_PREFIX + String.valueOf(task.project.getPath().hashCode()) } String getFlowId(TestDescriptor descriptor) { return projectFlowId + "-" + System.identityHashCode(descriptor); } /** * Called before a test suite is started. * @param suite The suite whose tests are about to be executed. */ public void beforeSuite(TestDescriptor suite) { if (suite.getParent() == null) return; if (shouldBeIgnored(suite)) return; def flowId = getFlowId(suite); startFlowIfNotStarted(flowId, suite); ServiceMessage msg = new TestSuiteStarted(suite.getName()); msg.setFlowId(flowId); logger.lifecycle(msg.asString()); } private boolean shouldBeIgnored(TestDescriptor suite) { suite.getName().startsWith("Gradle Test Executor") || suite.getName().startsWith("Gradle Test Run") } private void startFlowIfNotStarted(String flowId, TestDescriptor suite) { if (startedFlowIds.put(flowId, true) == null) { def parentFlowId = projectFlowId; def parentSuite = suite.getParent() if (parentSuite != null && !shouldBeIgnored(parentSuite)) { parentFlowId = getFlowId(parentSuite); } logger.lifecycle("##teamcity[flowStarted flowId='${flowId}' parent='${parentFlowId}']"); } } /** * Called after a test suite is finished. * @param suite The suite whose tests have finished being executed. * @param result The aggregate result for the suite. */ public void afterSuite(TestDescriptor suite, TestResult result) { if (suite.getParent() == null) return; if (shouldBeIgnored(suite)) return; def flowId = getFlowId(suite); ServiceMessage msg = new TestSuiteFinished(suite.getName()); msg.setFlowId(flowId); logger.lifecycle(msg.asString()); finishStartedFlow(flowId); } private void finishStartedFlow(String flowId) { if (startedFlowIds.remove(flowId) != null) { logger.lifecycle("##teamcity[flowFinished flowId='${flowId}']"); } } /** * Called before a test is started. * @param testDescriptor The test which is about to be executed. */ public void beforeTest(TestDescriptor testDescriptor) { def flowId = getFlowId(testDescriptor); startFlowIfNotStarted(flowId, testDescriptor); String testName = getTestName(testDescriptor) ServiceMessage msg = new TestStarted(testName, false, null); msg.setFlowId(flowId); logger.lifecycle(msg.asString()); } /** * Called after a test is finished. * @param testDescriptor The test which has finished executing. * @param result The test result. */ public void afterTest(TestDescriptor testDescriptor, TestResult result) { String testName = getTestName(testDescriptor); def flowId = getFlowId(testDescriptor); def outputs = testOutputs.remove(testDescriptor); if (outputs != null) { synchronized (outputs) { flushOutputs(testDescriptor, outputs); } } ServiceMessage msg; switch (result.getResultType()) { case org.gradle.api.tasks.testing.TestResult.ResultType.FAILURE: ComparisonFailureData cfd = ComparisonFailureUtil.extractComparisonFailure(result.getException()); if (cfd != null) { msg = new TestFailed(testName, new WrappedException(result.getException(), MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE), cfd.getActual(), cfd.getExpected()); } else { msg = new TestFailed(testName, new WrappedException(result.getException(), MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE)); } msg.setFlowId(flowId); logger.lifecycle(msg.asString()); break; case org.gradle.api.tasks.testing.TestResult.ResultType.SKIPPED: msg = new TestIgnored(testName, ""); msg.setFlowId(flowId); logger.lifecycle(msg.asString()); break; }; final int duration = (int) (result.getEndTime() - result.getStartTime()); msg = new TestFinished(testName, duration); msg.setFlowId(flowId); logger.lifecycle(msg.asString()); finishStartedFlow(flowId); } public void onOutput(testDescriptor, outputEvent) { if (testDescriptor.getClassName() == null) { // this is not a real test output return; } def outputs = testOutputs.get(testDescriptor); if (outputs == null) { outputs = []; def prev = testOutputs.putIfAbsent(testDescriptor, outputs) if (prev != null) { outputs = prev } } synchronized (outputs) { outputs.add(outputEvent); if (outputs.size() > 100) { flushOutputs(testDescriptor, outputs) outputs.clear(); } } } private void flushOutputs(TestDescriptor testDescriptor, List outputs) { def testName = getTestName(testDescriptor) def flowId = getFlowId(testDescriptor) StringBuilder stdout = new StringBuilder() StringBuilder stderr = new StringBuilder() for (oe in outputs) { switch (oe.getDestination()) { case TestOutputEvent.Destination.StdErr: if (!skipStdErr) stderr.append(oe.message); break case TestOutputEvent.Destination.StdOut: if (!skipStdOut) stdout.append(oe.message); break } } if (stdout.length() > 0) { def msg = new TestStdOut(testName, stdout.toString() - ~/\r?\n\z/) msg.addTag(ServiceMessage.PARSE_SERVICE_MESSAGES_INSIDE_TAG) msg.setFlowId(flowId) logger.lifecycle(msg.asString()) } if (stderr.length() > 0) { def msg = new TestStdErr(testName, stderr.toString() - ~/\r?\n\z/) msg.addTag(ServiceMessage.PARSE_SERVICE_MESSAGES_INSIDE_TAG) msg.setFlowId(flowId) logger.lifecycle(msg.asString()) } } private String getTestName(TestDescriptor testDescriptor) { return testDescriptor.getClassName() + "." + testDescriptor.getName() } def testListenerDelegate = [ beforeSuite: { suite -> this.beforeSuite(suite) }, afterSuite: { suite, result -> this.afterSuite(suite, result) }, beforeTest: { testDescriptor -> this.beforeTest(testDescriptor) }, afterTest: { testDescriptor, result -> this.afterTest(testDescriptor, result) }] def testOutputDelegate = [ onOutput: { testDescriptor, outputEvent -> this.onOutput(testDescriptor, outputEvent) }] } public class TeamcityExceptionsListener extends BuildAdapter { def logger public TeamcityExceptionsListener(Logger log) { logger = log } void buildFinished(BuildResult result) { def failure = result.getFailure() if (failure != null) { while (!(failure instanceof org.gradle.api.tasks.TaskExecutionException) && failure != failure.getCause() && failure.getCause() != null) { failure = failure.getCause() } def message; if (failure instanceof org.gradle.api.tasks.TaskExecutionException && failure.getCause() != null) { message = "${failure.getMessage()} ${failure.getCause().getClass().getName()}: ${failure.getCause().getMessage()}" } else { message = "${failure.getClass().getName()}: ${failure.getMessage()}" } if (message.contains("There were failing tests") || message.contains("Compilation failed") || message.contains("Compilation error")) { // do not report tests and compilation failures as build problems, as they are logged separately return } logger.warn(new GradleBuildProblem(message).asString()); } } } /** * Use WrappedException if you need to make a error message shorter */ class WrappedException extends Exception { private final Throwable th private final int length private final String DELIMITER /** * @param th original exception * @param length max message length */ WrappedException(Throwable th, int length) { = th this.length = length int size = length / 1024 DELIMITER = "***** A part of the stacktrace was cut by TeamCity build agent because the stacktrace size exceeded ${size} KB *****" } @Override public String toString() { return trim(th.toString(), length) } /** * Print StackTrace from the delegate object but a message from current current */ @Override void printStackTrace(final PrintStream s) { Throwable exc = this; PrintStream stream = new PrintStream(s) { @Override void println(final Object obj) { super.println( ? exc : obj) } } th.printStackTrace(stream) } /** * Split the message into 2 parts, if its size is large * @param str original message * @param length max length * @return original message if str.length < length or split message with delimiter */ private String trim(String str, int length) { if (str.length() > length) { str = """${str.substring(0, (int)(length / 2))} ... ${DELIMITER} ... ${str.substring(str.length() - (int)(length / 2))}""" } return str; } } def isParallelExec = (gradle.startParameter.hasProperty("parallelThreadCount") && gradle.startParameter.parallelThreadCount != 0) || (gradle.startParameter.hasProperty("parallelProjectExecutionEnabled") && gradle.startParameter.parallelProjectExecutionEnabled); def testOutputListenerClass = null try { testOutputListenerClass = Class.forName("org.gradle.api.tasks.testing.TestOutputListener", false, getClass().getClassLoader()); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { logger.debug("Could not load TestOutputListener class. Test output will not be available") } gradle.addListener(new TeamcityPropertiesListener(logger)) gradle.addListener(new TeamcityExceptionsListener(logger)) gradle.useLogger(new TeamcityTaskListener(logger, isParallelExec)) gradle.projectsEvaluated { new DependencyBasedTestRun(logger).configureGradle(it) it.rootProject.allprojects { Project p -> p.tasks.withType(Test.class).each { Test testTask -> def testListener = new TeamcityTestListener(logger, testTask, isParallelExec) testTask.addTestListener(testListener.testListenerDelegate as TestListener) if (testOutputListenerClass != null) { testTask.addTestOutputListener(testListener.testOutputDelegate.asType(testOutputListenerClass)) testListener.skipStdOut = Boolean.valueOf(["teamcity.ignoreTestStdOut"]) testListener.skipStdErr = Boolean.valueOf(["teamcity.ignoreTestStdErr"]) } } } it.rootProject.getTasksByName("junitPlatformTest", true).each { task -> task.outputs.files.each { file -> def message = new ServiceMessage("importData", [ "type" : "junit", "path": "$file.absolutePath/*.xml".toString()]) println(message.asString()) } } }