If you believe your changes caused a build or test failure, you can start investigation of the build problem and inform other team members about that. You can also assign another team member to investigate failed builds or mark a failed build as fixed and give up investigation.

This topic explains how you can perform these operation from the TeamCity Watched Projects view.

To start investigation

  1. In the TeamCity Watched Projects view, select the build configuration that corresponds to a failed build or test.


  2. Right-click the selected configuration and choose Start investigation from the context menu.
    Tip: Alternatively, on the toolbar, click take_responsibility_action.png
  3. In the Investigation dialog box that opens, do the following:
    • From the Users list, select Me if you believe that your changes caused the build or test failure, or select a team member who may be responsible for this failure.
    • Under Comment, type any optional comment.

To give up investigation

  1. In the TeamCity Watched Projects view, select the build configuration which you are investigating.
  2. Right-click the selected configuration and choose Give up ivnestigation from the context menu.
    Tip: Alternatively, on the toolbar, click leave_responcibility_action.png
  3. Complete the Give Up Investigation dialog box that opens.

To mark a failed build configuration as fixed

  1. In the TeamCity Watched Projects view, select a failed build configuration.
  2. Right-click the selected configuration and choose Mark As Fixed on the context menu.
    Tip: Alternatively, on the toolbar, click fix_responsibility_action.png
  3. Complete the Mark As Fixed dialog box that opens.