VMWare cloud support for TeamCity 6.x ============= 1. Build * Download and unpack/install TeamCity .tar.gz or .exe distribution * Edit build.properties file to specify path to unpacked TeamCity distribution in 'path.variable.teamcitydistribution' property * Call ant -f build.xml to compile it * Find compiled plugin for TeamCity under 'dist' folder. 2. Develop In Intellij IDEA project there is 'teamcitydistribution' variable used to point to extracted/installed TeamCity. You will be asked to set this property when you first open the project. If there were some project files changes, check those changes are suitable and necessary. After changing project files, one need to re-generate ant build with Build | Generate Ant Build... menu. Options should be set to generate single build file, with UI support, unchecked JDK paths option, and unchecked 'Use current IDEA instance...' Re-generated build.xml file should be checked in. For more details see http://confluence.jetbrains.net/display/TW/Cloud-VMWare+plugin