/* * Copyright 2000-2018 JetBrains s.r.o. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package jetbrains.buildServer.buildTriggers.vcs.clearcase.configSpec; import java.io.File; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Map; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import jetbrains.buildServer.buildTriggers.vcs.clearcase.CCPathElement; import jetbrains.buildServer.buildTriggers.vcs.clearcase.versionTree.Branch; import jetbrains.buildServer.buildTriggers.vcs.clearcase.versionTree.Version; import jetbrains.buildServer.buildTriggers.vcs.clearcase.versionTree.VersionTree; import jetbrains.buildServer.util.StringUtil; import jetbrains.buildServer.vcs.VcsException; import jetbrains.buildServer.vcs.clearcase.Util; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NonNls; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable; public class ConfigSpecStandardRule { @NonNls @NotNull private static final String ELLIPSIS = "..."; private final ScopeType myScopeType; protected final Pattern myScopePattern; protected final Pattern myBranchPattern; protected final String myVersion; private final String myMkBranchOption; private final boolean myIsLabelSelector; @Nullable private String myPrimaryBranch; public ResultType isVersionIsInsideView(final Version version) { final String versionFullName = version.getWholeName(); int lastSepPos = versionFullName.lastIndexOf(File.separatorChar); final String branch = lastSepPos == -1 ? "" : versionFullName.substring(0, lastSepPos); if (!myBranchPattern.matcher(branch).matches()) return ResultType.DOES_NOT_MATCH; final String versionNumber = versionFullName.substring(lastSepPos + 1); ResultType result; if (Util.isDigit(myVersion)/*StringUtil.isNumber(myVersion)*/) { result = myVersion.equals(versionNumber) ? ResultType.MATCHES : ResultType.DOES_NOT_MATCH; } else { if (ConfigSpecRuleTokens.CHECKEDOUT.equalsIgnoreCase(myVersion)) { result = ResultType.DOES_NOT_MATCH; //todo } else if (ConfigSpecRuleTokens.LATEST.equalsIgnoreCase(myVersion)) { result = ResultType.MATCHES; } else { // label result = version.containsComment(myVersion) ? ResultType.MATCHES : ResultType.DOES_NOT_MATCH; } } if (ResultType.DOES_NOT_MATCH.equals(result)) return ResultType.DOES_NOT_MATCH; if (myMkBranchOption == null) return ResultType.MATCHES; return makeBranch(version); } private ResultType makeBranch(final Version version) { if (version.getInheritedBranchByName(myMkBranchOption) != null) return ResultType.BRANCH_HAS_NOT_BEEN_MADE; final Branch branch = new Branch(version, myMkBranchOption); branch.addVersion(0, new ArrayList()); version.addInheritedBranch(branch); return ResultType.BRANCH_HAS_BEEN_MADE; } @Nullable public Version findVersion(final VersionTree versionTree, final String fullFileName) throws VcsException { final Collection branches = findBranches(versionTree); if (branches == null) { return null; } final Version version = processBranches(fullFileName, branches); if (version == null) return null; // return myMkBranchOption == null ? version : makeBranch(connection, myMkBranchOption, fullFileName, version); return version; } /* private Version makeBranch(final ClearCaseConnection connection, final String branchName, final String fullFileName, final Version version) throws VcsException, IOException { if (connection != null) { connection.makeBranchForFile(fullFileName, version.getWholeName(), branchName); } final Branch branch = new Branch(version, branchName); branch.addVersion(0, new ArrayList()); version.addInheritedBranch(branch); return Version.createInvalidVersion(); } */ @Nullable private Version processBranches(final String fullFileName, final Collection branches) throws VcsException { if (Util.isDigit(myVersion)/*StringUtil.isNumber(myVersion)*/) { int versionNumber = Integer.parseInt(myVersion); return findVersionByNumber(branches, versionNumber, fullFileName); } else { if (ConfigSpecRuleTokens.CHECKEDOUT.equalsIgnoreCase(myVersion)) { return null; //todo } else if (ConfigSpecRuleTokens.LATEST.equalsIgnoreCase(myVersion)) { return getLastVersion(branches, fullFileName); } else { // label return findVersionWithComment(branches, myVersion, fullFileName); } } } @Nullable private Version findVersionWithComment(final Collection branches, final String labelName, final String fullFileName) throws VcsException { Collection versions = new HashSet(); for (Branch branch : branches) { Version version = branch.findVersionWithComment(labelName, false); if (version != null) { versions.add(version); } } return processVersions(versions, fullFileName); } @Nullable private Version getLastVersion(final Collection branches, final String fullFileName) throws VcsException { Collection versions = new HashSet(); for (Branch branch : branches) { versions.add(branch.getLastVersion()); } return processVersions(versions, fullFileName); } @Nullable private Version findVersionByNumber(final Collection branches, final int versionNumber, final String fullFileName) throws VcsException { Collection versions = new HashSet(); for (Branch branch : branches) { Version version = branch.findVersionByNumber(versionNumber); if (version != null) { versions.add(version); } } return processVersions(versions, fullFileName); } @Nullable private Version processVersions(final Collection versions, final String fullFileName) throws VcsException { if (versions.size() == 0) { return null; } if (versions.size() > 1) { throw new VcsException("Version of \"" + fullFileName + "\" is ambiguous: " + collectVersions(versions) + "."); } return versions.iterator().next(); } private String collectVersions(final Collection versions) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(""); for (Version version : versions) { sb.append(version.getWholeName()).append("; "); } if (sb.length() > 1) { return sb.substring(0, sb.length() - 2); } return sb.toString(); } @Nullable private Collection findBranches(final VersionTree versionTree) { Map branches = versionTree.getAllBranchesWithFullNames(); Collection result = new ArrayList(); for (Map.Entry entry : branches.entrySet()) { if (myBranchPattern.matcher(entry.getKey()).matches()) { result.add(entry.getValue()); } } return result; } public ConfigSpecStandardRule(final String scope, final String scopePattern, final String versionSelectorWithOptions) { String scopeTypeName = scope.substring(0, scope.indexOf(':')); if (ConfigSpecRuleTokens.STANDARD_FILE.equalsIgnoreCase(scopeTypeName)) { myScopeType = ScopeType.FILE; } else if (ConfigSpecRuleTokens.STANDARD_DIRECTORY.equalsIgnoreCase(scopeTypeName)) { myScopeType = ScopeType.DIRECTORY; } else if (ConfigSpecRuleTokens.STANDARD_ELTYPE.equalsIgnoreCase(scopeTypeName)) { myScopeType = ScopeType.ANY; //todo } else { myScopeType = ScopeType.ANY; } myScopePattern = createPattern(removeFirstSeparatorIfNeeded(scopePattern.trim()), false); if (versionSelectorWithOptions.startsWith("{")) { //todo } final String versionSelector = ConfigSpecParseUtil.extractFirstWord(versionSelectorWithOptions); myMkBranchOption = getMkBranchOption(versionSelectorWithOptions.substring(versionSelector.length()).trim()); final String normalizedVersionSelector = CCPathElement.normalizeSeparators(versionSelector.trim()); int lastSeparatorPos = normalizedVersionSelector.lastIndexOf(File.separatorChar); if (lastSeparatorPos == -1) { myBranchPattern = Pattern.compile(".*"); } else { final String branchPathSelector = normalizedVersionSelector.substring(0, lastSeparatorPos); myBranchPattern = createPattern(branchPathSelector, true); detectPrimaryBranch(branchPathSelector); } myVersion = normalizedVersionSelector.substring(lastSeparatorPos + 1); if (myVersion.startsWith("{")) { //todo } myIsLabelSelector = isLabelBasedSelector(); } // todo maybe set primary branch to null for rule "/main/0"? or for any rule with version == "0"? private void detectPrimaryBranch(@NotNull final String branchPathSelector) { final String[] branches = branchPathSelector.split(escapeBackSlash(File.separator)); if (branches.length > 0) { final String primaryBranchCandidate = branches[branches.length - 1]; if (!StringUtil.isEmptyOrSpaces(primaryBranchCandidate) && !ELLIPSIS.equals(primaryBranchCandidate)) { myPrimaryBranch = primaryBranchCandidate; } } } private boolean isLabelBasedSelector() { return !Util.isDigit(myVersion)/*StringUtil.isNumber(myVersion)*/ && !ConfigSpecRuleTokens.CHECKEDOUT.equalsIgnoreCase(myVersion) && !ConfigSpecRuleTokens.LATEST.equalsIgnoreCase(myVersion); } private String removeFirstSeparatorIfNeeded(@NotNull final String scopePattern) { if (File.separatorChar == '\\' && (scopePattern.startsWith("\\") || scopePattern.startsWith("/"))) { return scopePattern.substring(1); } return scopePattern; } @Nullable private String getMkBranchOption(final String s) { boolean wordShouldBeReturned = false; String ss = s; while (ss.length() > 0) { final String word = ConfigSpecParseUtil.extractFirstWord(ss), trimmedWord = word.trim(); if (wordShouldBeReturned) return trimmedWord; ss = ss.substring(word.length()).trim(); if (ConfigSpecRuleTokens.MKBRANCH_OPTION.equalsIgnoreCase(trimmedWord)) wordShouldBeReturned = true; } return null; } private static Pattern createPattern(final String pattern, final boolean isVersionPattern) { return Pattern.compile(createCommonPattern(escapeBackSlash(CCPathElement.normalizeSeparators(pattern)), isVersionPattern)); } private static String escapeBackSlash(final String s) { return s.replace("\\","\\\\"); } private static String createCommonPattern(final String pattern, final boolean isVersionPattern) { String result = pattern; result = escapeDots(result); result = result.replace("*", ".*"); result = result.replace("?", "."); String escapedSeparator = escapeBackSlash(File.separator); final String s = isVersionPattern ? escapedSeparator : "/"; if (!result.startsWith(s) && !result.startsWith(".*")) { result = "(.*" + escapedSeparator + ")?" + result; } result = result.replace(escapedSeparator + ELLIPSIS, "(" + escapedSeparator + "[^" + escapedSeparator + "]+)*"); result = result.replace(ELLIPSIS + escapedSeparator, "([^" + escapedSeparator + "]+" + escapedSeparator + ")*"); return result; } private static String escapeDots(final String string) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); int i = 0, len = string.length(); while (i < len) { if (string.charAt(i) == '.') { if (i + 2 >= len || string.charAt(i + 1) != '.' || string.charAt(i + 2) != '.') { sb.append("\\."); i++; } else { sb.append(ELLIPSIS); i += 3; } } else { sb.append(string.charAt(i)); i++; } } return sb.toString(); } public boolean matchesPath(String fullFilePath, final boolean isFile) { return myScopeType.matches(isFile) && myScopePattern.matcher(fullFilePath).matches(); } @Override public boolean equals(final Object o) { if (this == o) return true; if (!(o instanceof ConfigSpecStandardRule)) return false; final ConfigSpecStandardRule that = (ConfigSpecStandardRule)o; return myBranchPattern.pattern().equals(that.myBranchPattern.pattern()) && myScopePattern.pattern().equals(that.myScopePattern.pattern()) && myScopeType == that.myScopeType && myVersion.equals(that.myVersion); } @Override public int hashCode() { int result = myScopeType.hashCode(); result = 31 * result + myScopePattern.pattern().hashCode(); result = 31 * result + myBranchPattern.pattern().hashCode(); result = 31 * result + myVersion.hashCode(); return result; } enum ScopeType { ANY(true, true), FILE(true, false), DIRECTORY(false, true); private final boolean myCanBeFile; private final boolean myCanBeDirectory; ScopeType(final boolean canBeFile, final boolean canBeDirectory) { myCanBeFile = canBeFile; myCanBeDirectory = canBeDirectory; } public boolean matches(final boolean file) { return file ? myCanBeFile : myCanBeDirectory; } } public enum ResultType { MATCHES, DOES_NOT_MATCH, BRANCH_HAS_BEEN_MADE, BRANCH_HAS_NOT_BEEN_MADE } /** * @return true if Version Selector refers to a Label */ public boolean isLabelBasedVersionSelector() { return myIsLabelSelector; } @Nullable public String getPrimaryBranch() { return myPrimaryBranch; } }