/// /// Copyright © 2003-2008 JetBrains s.r.o. /// You may distribute under the terms of the GNU General Public License, as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2 (see License.txt in the repository root folder). /// using System; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Drawing; using System.IO; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Text; using System.Threading; using System.Windows.Forms; using JetBrains.Omea.Base; using JetBrains.Omea.GUIControls; using JetBrains.Omea.OpenAPI; using JetBrains.UI.Interop; namespace JetBrains.Omea.WordDocPlugin { /// /// Pane for displaying Word or RTF documents. /// public class WordDisplayPane : UserControl, IDisplayPane, IContextProvider { private JetRichTextBox _richTextBox; private System.Windows.Forms.Timer _wordHighlightTimer; private System.ComponentModel.IContainer components; private WordPtr[] _wordsToHighlight; private int _lastHighlightIndex; private int _lastHighlightOffset; private IResource _resource; private string _sourceFileName; private Process _converterProcess; private string _convertedFileName; private StreamReader _converterOutputReader; private StreamWriter _converterOutputWriter; private bool _killedConverter = false; public WordDisplayPane() { // This call is required by the Windows.Forms Form Designer. InitializeComponent(); Controls.Add( Core.WebBrowser ); Core.WebBrowser.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; Core.WebBrowser.Visible = false; Core.WebBrowser.ContextProvider = this; _richTextBox.ContextProvider = this; } /// /// Clean up any resources being used. /// protected override void Dispose( bool disposing ) { if( disposing ) { if(components != null) { components.Dispose(); } } base.Dispose( disposing ); } #region Component Designer generated code /// /// Required method for Designer support - do not modify /// the contents of this method with the code editor. /// private void InitializeComponent() { this.components = new System.ComponentModel.Container(); this._richTextBox = new GUIControls.JetRichTextBox(); this._wordHighlightTimer = new System.Windows.Forms.Timer(this.components); this.SuspendLayout(); // // _richTextBox // this._richTextBox.Dock = System.Windows.Forms.DockStyle.Fill; this._richTextBox.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(0, 0); this._richTextBox.Name = "_richTextBox"; this._richTextBox.ReadOnly = true; this._richTextBox.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(150, 150); this._richTextBox.TabIndex = 0; this._richTextBox.Text = ""; this._richTextBox.Visible = false; _richTextBox.BackColor = SystemColors.Window; _richTextBox.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.None; // // _wordHighlightTimer // this._wordHighlightTimer.Interval = 250; this._wordHighlightTimer.Tick += new System.EventHandler(this._wordHighlightTimer_Tick); // // WordDisplayPane // this.Controls.Add(this._richTextBox); this.Name = "WordDisplayPane"; this.KeyDown += new System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventHandler(this.WordDisplayPane_KeyDown); this.ResumeLayout(false); } #endregion public Control GetControl() { return this; } public void DisplayResource( IResource resource ) { _wordsToHighlight = null; _resource = resource; // If we got a sign that the resource's file was not parsed string errorBody = resource.GetPropText( Core.Props.LastError ); if( !String.IsNullOrEmpty( errorBody ) ) { ShowError( errorBody ); } else { try { _sourceFileName = Core.FileResourceManager.GetSourceFile( resource ); if ( WordDocPlugin.IsRtfFile( _sourceFileName ) ) { LoadRtf( _sourceFileName ); Core.FileResourceManager.CleanupSourceFile( resource, _sourceFileName ); } else LoadHtml( _sourceFileName ); } catch( Exception ex ) { ShowError( "Failed to open " + _sourceFileName + ". " + ex.Message ); } } } private void ShowError( string error ) { _richTextBox.Visible = false; Core.WebBrowser.Visible = true; StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); sw.WriteLine(""); sw.WriteLine("

The document could not be displayed.

"); sw.WriteLine("


", error); sw.WriteLine(""); Core.WebBrowser.ShowHtml( sw.ToString(), WebSecurityContext.Restricted, null ); } private void LoadRtf( string fileName ) { Core.WebBrowser.Visible = false; _richTextBox.Visible = true; _richTextBox.Clear(); FileStream fs = new FileStream( fileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.ReadWrite ); try { StreamReader reader = new StreamReader( fs, Encoding.Default ); _richTextBox.Rtf = Utils.StreamReaderReadToEnd( reader ); } finally { fs.Close(); } } private void LoadHtml( string fileName ) { _richTextBox.Visible = false; Core.WebBrowser.Visible = true; Core.WebBrowser.ShowHtml( "Please wait while the document is being converted…", WebSecurityContext.Restricted, null ); _killedConverter = false; _converterProcess = WordDocPlugin.CreateWvWareProcess( fileName, "wvHtml.xml", false ); _converterProcess.EnableRaisingEvents = true; _converterProcess.Exited += _converterProcess_OnExited; try { if(!_converterProcess.Start()) throw new Exception(); } catch { _converterProcess = null; Core.UIManager.QueueUIJob( new ShowErrorDelegate( ShowError ), "WVWare conversion failed. Could not start convertion process: converter not found."); return; } _convertedFileName = Path.Combine( WordDocPlugin.TempDir, Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension( fileName ) + ".html" ); _converterOutputReader = new StreamReader( _converterProcess.StandardOutput.BaseStream, Encoding.UTF8 ); _converterOutputWriter = new StreamWriter( _convertedFileName, false, Encoding.UTF8 ); new Thread( ProcessConverterOutput ).Start(); } private void ProcessConverterOutput() { try { string str; while ((str = _converterOutputReader.ReadLine()) != null) { _converterOutputWriter.Write( str ); } } finally { _converterOutputWriter.Close(); } } private void _converterProcess_OnExited( object sender, EventArgs e ) { if ( _killedConverter ) return; if ( _converterProcess.ExitCode == 0 ) { Core.WebBrowser.Stop(); // If we do not, hilite will be applied to the "please wait" banner Core.WebBrowser.NavigateInPlace( _convertedFileName ); if ( _wordsToHighlight != null ) { Core.WebBrowser.HighlightWords( _wordsToHighlight, 0 ); } } else if ( _converterProcess.ExitCode == -2 ) { Core.UIManager.QueueUIJob( new ShowErrorDelegate( ShowError ), Path.GetFileName( _sourceFileName ) + " is a password-protected document." ); } else if ( _converterProcess.ExitCode == -5 ) { Core.UIManager.QueueUIJob( new ShowErrorDelegate( ShowError ), Path.GetFileName( _sourceFileName ) + " is not a valid Microsoft Word document or a Rich Text Format file." ); } else if ( _converterProcess.ExitCode == -7 ) { Core.UIManager.QueueUIJob( new ShowErrorDelegate( ShowError ), "No space left on disk to convert " + Path.GetFileName( _sourceFileName ) + "." ); } else { string error = Utils.StreamReaderReadToEnd( _converterProcess.StandardError ); Core.UIManager.QueueUIJob( new ShowErrorDelegate( ShowError ), "WVWare conversion failed. " + error ); } Core.FileResourceManager.CleanupSourceFile( _resource, _sourceFileName ); } private delegate void ShowErrorDelegate( string error ); public void HighlightWords( WordPtr[] words ) { words = DocumentSection.RestrictResults( words, DocumentSection.BodySection ); if ( _richTextBox.Visible ) _richTextBox.HighlightWords( words ); else { Core.WebBrowser.HighlightWords( words, 0 ); _wordsToHighlight = words; } } // TODO: remove? /* private void HighlightRtfWords( WordPtr[] words ) { // we use plain text for indexing, so the offsets will not match => // use token-based highlighting _wordsToHighlight = words; _lastHighlightOffset = 0; for( _lastHighlightIndex = 0; _lastHighlightIndex < words.Length; _lastHighlightIndex++ ) { // if there are too many words to highlight - use async highlighting, in // order not to lock up the UI for too long if ( _lastHighlightIndex == 5 ) { _wordHighlightTimer.Start(); break; } HighlightNextWord(); } } */ private void HighlightNextWord() { if ( _wordsToHighlight [_lastHighlightIndex].Section != DocumentSection.BodySection ) { return; } int offset = _richTextBox.Find( _wordsToHighlight [_lastHighlightIndex].Text, _lastHighlightOffset, RichTextBoxFinds.WholeWord ); if ( offset >= 0 ) { int highlightLength = _wordsToHighlight [_lastHighlightIndex].Text.Length; _lastHighlightOffset = offset + highlightLength; _richTextBox.Select( offset, highlightLength ); CHARFORMAT2 fmt = new CHARFORMAT2(); fmt.cbSize = Marshal.SizeOf( fmt ); fmt.dwMask = CFM.BACKCOLOR | CFM.COLOR; fmt.crBackColor = ColorTranslator.ToWin32( SystemColors.Highlight ); fmt.crTextColor = ColorTranslator.ToWin32( SystemColors.HighlightText ); Win32Declarations.SendMessage( _richTextBox.Handle, EditMessage.SETCHARFORMAT, SCF.SELECTION, ref fmt ); } } private void _wordHighlightTimer_Tick( object sender, EventArgs e ) { if ( _lastHighlightIndex < _wordsToHighlight.Length ) { HighlightNextWord(); _lastHighlightIndex++; if ( _lastHighlightIndex == _wordsToHighlight.Length ) { _wordHighlightTimer.Stop(); } } } public void EndDisplayResource( IResource resource ) { if ( _converterProcess != null ) { bool exited = true; try { exited = _converterProcess.HasExited; } catch( InvalidOperationException ) { // Really, not started at all. _killedConverter = true; } if( ! exited ) { _converterProcess.Kill(); _killedConverter = true; } } } public void DisposePane() { Controls.Remove( Core.WebBrowser ); Core.WebBrowser.Visible = true; Dispose(); } public string GetSelectedText( ref TextFormat format ) { if ( _richTextBox.Visible ) { format = TextFormat.Rtf; return _richTextBox.SelectedRtf; } else { format = TextFormat.Html; return Core.WebBrowser.SelectedHtml; } } public string GetSelectedPlainText() { if ( _richTextBox.Visible ) { return _richTextBox.SelectedText; } else { return Core.WebBrowser.SelectedText; } } public bool CanExecuteCommand( string command ) { if ( _richTextBox.Visible ) { return _richTextBox.CanExecuteCommand( command ); } else { return Core.WebBrowser.CanExecuteCommand( command ); } } public void ExecuteCommand( string command ) { if ( _richTextBox.Visible ) { _richTextBox.ExecuteCommand( command ); } else { Core.WebBrowser.ExecuteCommand( command ); } } private void WordDisplayPane_KeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e) { e.Handled = Core.ActionManager.ExecuteKeyboardAction( new ActionContext( ActionContextKind.Keyboard, null, _resource.ToResourceList() ), e.KeyData ); } #region IContextProvider Members public IActionContext GetContext( ActionContextKind kind ) { return new ActionContext(kind, this, (_resource != null ? _resource.ToResourceList() : null)); } #endregion } }