/// /// Copyright © 2003-2008 JetBrains s.r.o. /// You may distribute under the terms of the GNU General Public License, as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2 (see License.txt in the repository root folder). /// using System; using System.ComponentModel; using System.IO; using System.Reflection; using System.Windows.Forms; using JetBrains.Omea.Base; using JetBrains.Omea.GUIControls; using JetBrains.Omea.OpenAPI; namespace JetBrains.Omea.RSSPlugin { /// /// The pane which displays a single post in an RSS feed. /// internal class RSSItemView : MessageDisplayPane { private const string cLinkAlias = "Source"; private const string _SummaryStylePath = "RSSPlugin.Styles.Summary.css"; private const string _DefaultStylePath = "RSSPlugin.Styles.Default.css"; private const string _LocalLinkIconPath = "RSSPlugin.Icons.Anchor.gif"; /// /// Required designer variable. /// private Container components = null; /// /// The Web Security Context that displays the RSS Item preview by default, in the restricted environment. /// private readonly WebSecurityContext _ctxRestricted; private string _font; private int _fontSize; private bool _useDetailedURLs; private bool _showSummary; private static string _summaryStyle, _defaultStyle; private static string _iconPath; public RSSItemView() { // This call is required by the Windows.Forms Form Designer. InitializeComponent(); // Initialize the security context _ctxRestricted = WebSecurityContext.Restricted; _ctxRestricted.WorkOffline = false; // Enable downloading of the referenced content ReadRssItemFontAttributes(); ReadItemFormattingOption(); Core.UIManager.AddOptionsChangesListener( "Internet", "Feeds", ReadRssItemFontAttributesHandler); Core.UIManager.AddOptionsChangesListener( "Omea", "General", ReadRssItemFontAttributesHandler); } private void ReadRssItemFontAttributesHandler( object sender, EventArgs args ) { ReadRssItemFontAttributes(); ReadItemFormattingOption(); Core.ResourceBrowser.RedisplaySelectedResource(); } private void ReadRssItemFontAttributes() { // Initialize font from local settings or from the Core.UIManager. _font = Core.UIManager.DefaultFontFace; _fontSize = (int)Core.UIManager.DefaultFontSize; bool overriden = Core.SettingStore.ReadBool( IniKeys.Section, "RSSPostFontOverride", false ); if( overriden ) { _font = Core.SettingStore.ReadString( IniKeys.Section, "RSSPostFont", Core.UIManager.DefaultFontFace ); _fontSize = Core.SettingStore.ReadInt( IniKeys.Section, "RSSPostFontSize", (int)Core.UIManager.DefaultFontSize ); } } private void ReadItemFormattingOption() { _useDetailedURLs = Core.SettingStore.ReadBool( IniKeys.Section, IniKeys.UseDetailedURLs, false ); _showSummary = Core.SettingStore.ReadBool( IniKeys.Section, IniKeys.ShowSummary, false ); } public static string SummaryStyle { set{ _summaryStyle = value; } get { if( _summaryStyle == null ) _summaryStyle = LoadStyle( _SummaryStylePath ); return _summaryStyle; } } public static string DefaultStyle { set{ _defaultStyle = value; } get { if( _defaultStyle == null ) _defaultStyle = LoadStyle( _DefaultStylePath ); return _defaultStyle; } } public static string IconPath { get { if( _iconPath == null ) { Assembly theAssm = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly(); Stream strm = theAssm.GetManifestResourceStream( _LocalLinkIconPath ); byte[] content = new BinaryReader( strm ).ReadBytes( (int) strm.Length ); string tempPath = Path.Combine( Path.GetTempPath(), "Anchor.gif" ); FileStream outstream = null; try { outstream = new FileStream( tempPath, FileMode.Create ); } catch( DirectoryNotFoundException ) { try { tempPath = Path.Combine( Application.UserAppDataPath, "Anchor.gif" ); outstream = new FileStream( tempPath, FileMode.Create ); } catch( DirectoryNotFoundException ) { // do nothing. May be try out another path later. } } if( outstream != null ) { BinaryWriter writer = new BinaryWriter( outstream ); writer.Write( content ); writer.Close(); _iconPath = tempPath; } } return _iconPath; } } private static string LoadStyle( string path ) { Assembly theAssm = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly(); Stream strm = theAssm.GetManifestResourceStream( path ); return Utils.StreamToString( strm ); } /// /// Clean up any resources being used. /// protected override void Dispose( bool disposing ) { if( disposing ) { if(components != null) { components.Dispose(); } } base.Dispose( disposing ); } #region Component Designer generated code /// /// Required method for Designer support - do not modify /// the contents of this method with the code editor. /// private void InitializeComponent() { } #endregion public override void DisplayResource( IResource rssItem, WordPtr[] wordsToHighlight ) { string subject = rssItem.GetPropText( Core.Props.Subject ); ShowSubject( subject, wordsToHighlight ); IResource feed = rssItem.GetLinkProp( -Props.RSSItem ); if ( feed != null && feed.HasProp( Props.AutoFollowLink ) && rssItem.GetPropText( Props.Link ).Length > 0 ) { AttachWebBrowser(); Core.WebBrowser.NavigateInPlace( rssItem.GetPropText( Props.Link ) ); } else { StringBuilderDecor decor = new StringBuilderDecor( "" ); decor.AppendText( GetItemStyle() ); decor.AppendText( Core.MessageFormatter.StandardStyledHeader( subject ) ); string body = rssItem.GetPropText( Core.Props.LongBody ); if( _showSummary ) { RssBodyConstructor.ConstructSummary( rssItem, SummaryStyle, body, decor ); } //------------------------------------------------------------- // Update the search results offsets //------------------------------------------------------------- if( wordsToHighlight != null ) { int inc = decor.ToString().Length; // Prepended length for( int a = 0; a < wordsToHighlight.Length; a++ ) wordsToHighlight[a].StartOffset += inc; } ProcessBody( decor, body, rssItem ); //------------------------------------------------------------- if( !_useDetailedURLs ) RssBodyConstructor.AppendLink( rssItem, decor, cLinkAlias ); else RssBodyConstructor.AppendLink( rssItem, decor ); RssBodyConstructor.AppendRelatedPosts( rssItem, decor, _useDetailedURLs ); RssBodyConstructor.AppendEnclosure( rssItem, decor ); RssBodyConstructor.AppendSourceTag( rssItem, decor ); RssBodyConstructor.AppendCommentsTag( rssItem, decor ); decor.AppendText( "" ); ShowHtml( decor.ToString(), _ctxRestricted, wordsToHighlight ); } IResourceList feeds = rssItem.GetLinksOfType( Props.RSSFeedResource, Props.RSSItem ); IResource owner = Core.ResourceBrowser.OwnerResource; if (( owner != null && owner.Type == Props.RSSFeedGroupResource ) || ( feeds.Count > 0 && owner == feeds [ 0 ] ) ) { RSSPlugin.GetInstance().RememberSelection( owner, rssItem ); } } private string GetItemStyle() { string style = "\n"; style += "\n"; style += Core.MessageFormatter.DualMediaSubjectStyle + "\n"; return style; } /// /// Iterate over "LinkedPost" links and insert an anchors to local /// resources right after the normal http links withing the post body. /// private static void ProcessBody( BodyWriter decor, string body, IResource rssItem ) { IResourceList linked = rssItem.GetLinksFrom( Props.RSSItemResource, Props.LinkedPost ); foreach( IResource res in linked ) { string link = res.GetStringProp( Props.Link ); if( !string.IsNullOrEmpty( link ) ) { string template = "href=\"" + link + "\""; int indexHref = body.IndexOf( template ); if( indexHref != -1 ) { int indexClose = body.IndexOf( "", indexHref + template.Length ); int indexImmClose = body.IndexOf( "/>", indexHref + template.Length ); int indexAnyHref = body.IndexOf( "href=", indexHref + template.Length ); // We do not expect any extra "href" link nor immediate close tag // inside current "" tag. if( indexClose != -1 && ( indexAnyHref == -1 || indexAnyHref > indexClose ) && ( indexImmClose == -1 || indexImmClose >= indexClose )) { InsertLocalLink( ref body, res, indexClose ); } } } } decor.AppendText( body ); decor.AppendText( "

" ); } private static void InsertLocalLink( ref string body, IResource res, int closeTagPos ) { string derTitle = res.DisplayName.Replace( '"', ' ' ); string subst; if( IconPath != null ) { subst = "
"; } else { // In the trouble cases: if we did not manage to construct a work or // application path or did not write the necessary resource into a file. subst = " (local link) "; } body = body.Substring( 0, closeTagPos + 4 ) + subst + body.Substring( closeTagPos + 4 ); } } }