/// /// Copyright © 2003-2008 JetBrains s.r.o. /// You may distribute under the terms of the GNU General Public License, as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2 (see License.txt in the repository root folder). /// using System; using System.Collections; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Text; using System.Web; using JetBrains.DataStructures; using JetBrains.Omea.Base; using JetBrains.Omea.HTML; using JetBrains.Omea.OpenAPI; namespace JetBrains.Omea.MailParser { /** * Converts a plain-text body parsed by MailBodyParser to an HTML page. */ internal class MailBodyFormatter { private const string _cDefaultStyleTmpl = "\n"; private const string _cTableStartTag = ""; private const string _cTabSubst = "    "; private static readonly StringBuilder _builder = new StringBuilder(); private static bool _quoteTableStarted, _quoteRowStarted; public static string FormatBody( MailBodyParser parser, bool noWrap, MarkerInjector injector, string fontFace, int fontSize ) { return FormatBody( parser, null, noWrap, injector, fontFace, fontSize ); } public static string FormatBody( MailBodyParser parser, string subject, bool noWrap, MarkerInjector injector, string fontFace, int fontSize ) { // A link converter that is capable of sweeping out the markers when // creating the links out of plain text (by using the MarkedHtmlLinkConverter). // If there are no markers injected, HtmlLinkConverter is used. HtmlLinkConverter linkconverter = (injector != null) ? new MarkedHtmlLinkConverter( injector ) : new HtmlLinkConverter(); string style = _cDefaultStyleTmpl.Replace( "$FontFace$", fontFace ).Replace( "$FontSize$", fontSize.ToString() ); _builder.Length = 0; _quoteTableStarted = _quoteRowStarted = false; FormatBody( parser, subject, linkconverter, style, noWrap ); return _builder.ToString(); } private static void FormatBody( MailBodyParser parser, string subject, HtmlLinkConverter converter, string style, bool noWrap ) { _builder.Append( "").Append( style ). Append( Core.MessageFormatter.DualMediaSubjectStyle ).Append( "" ); if( !String.IsNullOrEmpty( subject ) ) { _builder.Append( MessageFormatter.FormattedHeader( subject ) ); } int oldQuoteLevel = 0; string oldQuotePrefix = ""; for( int i = 0; i < parser.ParagraphCount; i++ ) { MailBodyParser.Paragraph para = parser.GetParagraph( i ); if ( para.QuoteLevel > 0 ) { if (!_quoteTableStarted) { _builder.Append( _cTableStartTag ); _quoteTableStarted = true; _quoteRowStarted = false; } if ( _quoteRowStarted ) { if ( oldQuoteLevel != para.QuoteLevel || oldQuotePrefix != para.QuotePrefix ) { _builder.Append( "" ); _quoteRowStarted = false; } } if ( !_quoteRowStarted ) { _builder.Append( "" ); _quoteRowStarted = false; } if ( _quoteTableStarted ) { _builder.Append( "
" ); _builder.Append( HTMLEncode( para.QuotePrefix ) ); for( int q = 0; q < para.QuoteLevel; q++ ) { _builder.Append( ">" ); } _builder.Append( "" ); _quoteRowStarted = true; } else _builder.Append( "
" ); if ( para.Type == ParagraphType.Fixed ) { _builder.Append( converter.ConvertLinks( ReplaceSpaces( HTMLEncode( para.Text ), noWrap ) ) ); } else { // show an extra separator line above and below every quoted // plain-text paragraph if ( i > 0 ) { MailBodyParser.Paragraph prevPara = parser.GetParagraph( i-1 ); if ( prevPara.Type != ParagraphType.Plain && prevPara.QuoteLevel == para.QuoteLevel && prevPara.QuotePrefix == para.QuotePrefix ) { _builder.Append( "
" ); } } _builder.Append( converter.ConvertLinks( HTMLEncode( para.Text ) ) ); _builder.Append( "
" ); } } else { CloseOpenElements(); switch( para.Type ) { case ParagraphType.Plain: _builder.Append( "

" ); if ( para.OutlookQuote ) { _builder.Append(""); _builder.Append( converter.ConvertLinks( HTMLEncode( para.Text ) ) ); _builder.Append(""); } else { _builder.Append( converter.ConvertLinks( HTMLEncode( para.Text ) ) ); } _builder.Append( "

\r\n" ); break; case ParagraphType.Fixed: case ParagraphType.Service: if ( para.OutlookQuote ) { _builder.Append(""); _builder.Append( converter.ConvertLinks( ReplaceSpaces( HTMLEncode( para.Text ), noWrap ) ) ); _builder.Append(""); } else { _builder.Append( converter.ConvertLinks( ReplaceSpaces( HTMLEncode( para.Text ), noWrap ) ) ); } _builder.Append( "
\r\n" ); break; case ParagraphType.Sig: _builder.Append( "" ); _builder.Append( converter.ConvertLinks( para.Text ) ); _builder.Append( "
" ); break; } } oldQuoteLevel = para.QuoteLevel; oldQuotePrefix = para.QuotePrefix; } CloseOpenElements(); _builder.Append( " "); } /// /// If the quoting table or row was started, closes it. /// private static void CloseOpenElements() { if ( _quoteRowStarted ) { _builder.Append( "
" ); _quoteTableStarted = false; } } /// /// Encodes the HTML entitites in the specified text. /// private static string HTMLEncode( string text ) { text = text.Replace( "&", "&" ); text = text.Replace( "<", "<" ); text = text.Replace( ">", ">" ); return text; } /// /// Replaces the spaces and tabs in the line with  . /// private static string ReplaceSpaces( string text, bool noWrap ) { return noWrap ? text.Replace( " ", " " ).Replace( "\t", _cTabSubst ) : text.Replace( "\t", _cTabSubst ); } } /// /// Provides HTML representation of a resource body in correspondence with its format and reply properties /// public class MessageFormatter: IMessageFormatter { private const int _iDefaultMessageWidth = 50; private const string _cDefaultDualHeaderStyle = "\n" + "\n"; private readonly MailQuoteProcessor _quoter = new MailQuoteProcessor(); private readonly HashMap _previewTextProviders = new HashMap(); // Type -> IPreviewTextProvider public string DualMediaSubjectStyle { get { return _cDefaultDualHeaderStyle; } } #region GetFormattedBody #region Parameter Set Wrappers public string GetFormattedBody( IResource res, int bodyProp, int replyLink ) { return GetFormattedBody( res, bodyProp, replyLink, Core.UIManager.DefaultFontFace, (int)Core.UIManager.DefaultFontSize ); } public string GetFormattedBody( IResource res, string body, string replyToBody ) { return GetFormattedBody( res, body, replyToBody, ref WordPtr.Empty, Core.UIManager.DefaultFontFace, (int)Core.UIManager.DefaultFontSize ); } public string GetFormattedBody( IResource res, string body, string replyToBody, string fontFace, int fontSize ) { return GetFormattedBody( res, body, replyToBody, ref WordPtr.Empty, fontFace, fontSize ); } public string GetFormattedBody( IResource res, int bodyProp, int replyLink, ref WordPtr[] offsets ) { return GetFormattedBody( res, bodyProp, replyLink, ref offsets, Core.UIManager.DefaultFontFace, (int) Core.UIManager.DefaultFontSize ); } public string GetFormattedBody( IResource res, int bodyProp, int replyLink, string fontFace, int fontSize ) { string body, reply; GetTexts( res, bodyProp, replyLink, out body, out reply ); return GetFormattedBody( res, body, reply, ref WordPtr.Empty, fontFace, fontSize ); } public string GetFormattedBody( IResource res, int bodyProp, int replyLink, ref WordPtr[] offsets, string fontFace, int fontSize ) { string body, reply; GetTexts( res, bodyProp, replyLink, out body, out reply ); return GetFormattedBody( res, body, reply, ref offsets, fontFace, fontSize ); } public string GetFormattedBody( IResource res, string body, string replyToBody, ref WordPtr[] offsets ) { return GetFormattedBody( res, body, replyToBody, ref offsets, Core.UIManager.DefaultFontFace, (int) Core.UIManager.DefaultFontSize ); } #endregion Parameter Set Wrappers public string GetFormattedBody( IResource res, string body, string replyToBody, ref WordPtr[] offsets, string fontFace, int fontSize ) { string formattedText; string subject = res.GetPropText( Core.Props.Subject ); bool needFormatting = res.HasProp( "NoFormat" ); // If no offsets passed, default to the simple processing if(( offsets == null ) || ( offsets.Length == 0 )) { formattedText = GetFormattedText( needFormatting, body, replyToBody, subject, null, fontFace, fontSize ); } else { // Save offsets, format text, retrieve offsets. using( MarkerInjector injector = new MarkerInjector() ) { WordPtr[] modOffs = DocumentSection.RestrictResults( offsets, DocumentSection.BodySection ); body = injector.InjectMarkers( body, modOffs ); formattedText = GetFormattedText( needFormatting, body, replyToBody, subject, injector, fontFace, fontSize ); formattedText = injector.CollectMarkers( formattedText, out modOffs ); } } return formattedText; } private static string GetFormattedText( bool isNoFormat, string body, string replyToBody, string subject, MarkerInjector injector, string fontFace, int fontSize ) { string text; int minWrapWidth = Core.SettingStore.ReadInt( "Formatting", "MinimumWrapWidth", _iDefaultMessageWidth ); if( isNoFormat ) { text = "
" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode( body ) + "
"; } else { MailBodyParser replyParser = new MailBodyParser( replyToBody, minWrapWidth ); MailBodyParser parser = new MailBodyParser( body, minWrapWidth, replyParser ); text = MailBodyFormatter.FormatBody( parser, subject, false, injector, fontFace, fontSize ); } return text; } private static void GetTexts( IResource res, int bodyProp, int replyLink, out string body, out string origBody ) { body = res.GetPropText( bodyProp ); IResource origRes = res.GetLinkProp( replyLink ); origBody = (origRes != null) ? origRes.GetPropText( bodyProp ) : null; } public string GetFormattedHtmlBody( IResource res, string body, ref WordPtr[] offsets ) { string formattedText; string subject = res.GetPropText( Core.Props.Subject ); // If no offsets passed, default to the simple processing if(( offsets == null ) || ( offsets.Length == 0 )) { formattedText = InsertHeaderWithStyle( body, subject ); } else { // Save offsets, format text, retrieve offsets. using( MarkerInjector injector = new MarkerInjector() ) { WordPtr[] modOffs = DocumentSection.RestrictResults( offsets, DocumentSection.BodySection ); body = injector.InjectMarkers( body, modOffs ); formattedText = InsertHeaderWithStyle( body, subject ); formattedText = injector.CollectMarkers( formattedText, out modOffs ); } } return formattedText; } private static string InsertHeaderWithStyle( string text, string subject ) { string formattedText = text; if( !string.IsNullOrEmpty( subject ) ) { string formattedTitle = FormattedHeaderWithStyle( subject ); int index = text.IndexOf( "", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase ); if( index != -1 ) { formattedText = text.Substring( 0, index + 6 ) + formattedTitle + text.Substring( index + 6 ); } else { formattedText = formattedTitle + text; } } return formattedText; } public string StandardStyledHeader( string subject ) { return FormattedHeader( subject ); } internal static string FormattedHeader( string subject ) { return "

" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(subject) + "

\n"; } internal static string FormattedHeaderWithStyle( string subject ) { return _cDefaultDualHeaderStyle + FormattedHeader( subject ); } #endregion GetFormattedBody #region QuoteMessage public string QuoteMessage( IResource resource, int bodyProp ) { return QuoteMessage( resource, resource.GetPropText( bodyProp ) ); } public string QuoteMessage( IResource resource, string body ) { MailBodyParser parser = new MailBodyParser( body, 50 ); return _quoter.Quote( parser, resource, QuoteSettings.Default ); } public string QuoteMessage( IResource resource, int bodyProp, QuoteSettings settings ) { return QuoteMessage( resource, resource.GetPropText( bodyProp ), settings ); } public string QuoteMessage( IResource resource, string body, QuoteSettings settings ) { MailBodyParser parser = new MailBodyParser( body, 50 ); return _quoter.Quote( parser, resource, settings ); } public void RegisterPreviewTextProvider( string resourceType, IPreviewTextProvider provider ) { _previewTextProviders[ resourceType ] = provider; } public string GetPreviewText( IResource res, int lines ) { IPreviewTextProvider provider = (IPreviewTextProvider) _previewTextProviders [res.Type]; if ( provider != null ) { string previewText = provider.GetPreviewText( res, lines ); if ( previewText == null ) { return ""; } return previewText; } if ( res.HasProp( Core.Props.LongBody ) ) { string longBody = res.GetPropText( Core.Props.LongBody ).Trim(); if ( res.HasProp( Core.Props.LongBodyIsHTML ) ) { if ( longBody.Length > 1024 ) { longBody = longBody.Substring( 0, 1024 ) + "..."; // we won't fit more text in 2 lines, anyway } longBody = HtmlTools.StripHTML( longBody ); longBody = HtmlTools.SafeHtmlDecode( longBody ).Trim(); } longBody = longBody.Replace( '\t', ' ' ); return CleanPreviewText( longBody, lines ); } return ""; } private string CleanPreviewText( string body, int lines ) { body = body.Replace( "\r\n", "\n" ); return CleanPreviewText( body, lines, true ); } private string CleanPreviewText( string body, int lines, bool skipQuoting ) { StringBuilder resultBuilder = StringBuilderPool.Alloc(); try { int pos = 0; int foundLines = 0; int quotedLines = 0; while( foundLines < lines ) { int nextPos = body.IndexOf( '\n', pos ); if ( nextPos == -1 ) { if ( foundLines < lines-1 && quotedLines > 0 ) { return CleanPreviewText( body, lines, false ); } resultBuilder.Append( body.Substring( pos ) ); break; } string nextLine = body.Substring( pos, nextPos - pos ); pos = nextPos+1; while( pos < body.Length && body [pos] == '\n' ) { pos++; } if ( skipQuoting && MailBodyParser.GetQuoteLevel( nextLine ) > 0 ) { quotedLines++; continue; } if ( foundLines > 0 ) { resultBuilder.Append( "\r\n" ); } foundLines++; resultBuilder.Append( nextLine ); if ( pos == body.Length ) { break; } } if ( foundLines == 0 && quotedLines > 0 ) { return CleanPreviewText( body, lines, false ); } return resultBuilder.ToString(); } finally { StringBuilderPool.Dispose( resultBuilder ); } } #endregion QuoteMessage } /// /// Injects special marker into the text at specific points determined by the offsets, /// so that they could be collected back after formatting the text and the offsets could /// be updated to match the corresponding points in the reformatted text. /// class MarkerInjector : IDisposable { /// /// List of the markers (of type ) injected into the content. /// /// Valid after the call to and up to end, so that multiple formatted samples could be matched against one source fragment. protected ArrayList _markers = null; /// /// The minimum (non-inclusive) marker injected into the strings. /// protected char m_cMinMarker = (char)0xFFFF; /// /// The maximum (inclusive) marker injected into the strings. /// protected char m_cMaxMarker = (char)0xFFFF; /// /// Receives a clean content and injects the markers. /// /// Initial unformatted content, for which the offsets are valid. /// Offsets in the content. From the structure, only the is used, others may be uninitialzied. /// Content with the markers injected. /// After injecting the markers, the offsets in become invalid as the text size changes. This is by design. public string InjectMarkers(string content, WordPtr[] offsets) { #region Preconditions if (_markers != null) throw new InvalidOperationException("The object cannot be reused, you should create a new one."); #endregion Preconditions if( offsets == null ) // No offsets specified { _markers = new ArrayList(0); // Create an empty list of markers return content; } StringBuilder marked = new StringBuilder(content.Length + offsets.Length ); // The content plus one marker per each offset // Process markers int pos = 0; int nCurMarker = (int)m_cMaxMarker; _markers = new ArrayList(); foreach( WordPtr offset in offsets ) { // Some proof checks if(offset.StartOffset < pos) // Offsets are not sorted. That's not a problem to sort them, but it's an indication of internal errors throw new ArgumentException("The offsets are not arranged properly."); if((offset.Section != DocumentSection.BodySection) && (offset.Section != "") && (offset.Section != null)) // Trying to consume wrong section throw new ArgumentException("Cannot process offset information for sections other than Body."); if(offset.StartOffset >= content.Length) // Offsets out of range. Just ignore because it's not a fatal error, maybe the content has changed but was not reindexed yet { Trace.WriteLine( "Warning: MarkerInjector was supplied with offsets falling ouside the provided content. Such offsets were ignored." ); break; } // Break apart marked.Append( content.Substring( pos, offset.StartOffset - pos ) ); // Content between markers or beginning of string for(; (content.IndexOf( (char)nCurMarker ) != -1) && (nCurMarker > 0); nCurMarker--) // Ensure there's no such char ; // Inject & store marked.Append( (char)nCurMarker ); _markers.Add( new Marker((char)nCurMarker, offset) ); // Advance pos = offset.StartOffset; nCurMarker--; } // Store the minimum injected marker value (it's non-inclusive) m_cMinMarker = (char)nCurMarker; // Copy content after the last marker marked.Append( content.Substring( pos, content.Length - pos ) ); return marked.ToString( ); } /// /// Receives the formatted content with markers injected, collects the markers, updates the offsets and returns the content with markers cleaned up. /// /// Content with the markers. /// Returns the updated offsets from the method. Note that the number of offsets may decrease if some of the markers go out while formatting. /// The cleaned up content without the markers. public string CollectMarkers(string content, out WordPtr[] offsets) { if(_markers == null) throw new InvalidOperationException("The object must be first initialized by the InjectMarkers call."); if(_markers.Count == 0) // No markers injected in the text { offsets = null; return content; } // Locate markers int pos; ArrayList markers = new ArrayList(_markers.Count); // Collect here (some may need to be removed) foreach(Marker marker in _markers) { // Locate the marker pos = content.IndexOf( marker._markingChar ); marker._offsetData.StartOffset = pos; if(pos != -1) // If the marker was found in the stream, keep it. Otherwise, drop by not adding to the new storage markers.Add( marker ); else Trace.WriteLine("[MFO] Warning! A marker was filtered out due to absense in the formatted stream."); // Pos == -1 // TODO: what to do if marker is duplicated? // 1) use the first // 2) assume it's a bug and dispose of both offsets, leaving the marker chars intact // 3) add offsets for both } _markers = markers; // Keep the filtered set of markers if(_markers.Count == 0) // No markers left in the text { Trace.WriteLine("[MFO] Error! No markers were found in the formatted stream."); offsets = null; return content; } // Arrange in order of appearance try { _markers.Sort(); } catch(InvalidOperationException) { // This means that some markers had indeed equal positions, which must not happen Trace.WriteLine("[MFO] Error! Some of the markers had equal positions in the formatted stream. Cancelling further processing."); offsets = null; return content; } // Cut off and refresh offsets, collect the new offsets pos = 0; // Current position int shift = 0; // Number of cut-out chars to shift the subsequent offsets by StringBuilder stripped = new StringBuilder(content.Length); offsets = new WordPtr[_markers.Count]; foreach(Marker marker in _markers) { // Maintenance stripped.Append( content.Substring( pos, marker._offsetData.StartOffset - pos ) ); pos = marker._offsetData.StartOffset + 1; // Beyond the marker marker._offsetData.StartOffset -= shift; // Encounter the cut-off markers // Collect offsets[shift] = marker._offsetData; // Advance shift++; } // Copy content after the last marker stripped.Append( content.Substring( pos, content.Length - pos ) ); return stripped.ToString( ); } /// /// Removes all the injected markers from a given string and returns the sweeped string. /// Note that this does not affect the infrastructure of this class, unlike . /// Also, this does not make any offset validation, just removes the markers. /// /// /// public string SweepMarkers(string marked) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(marked.Length); foreach(char ch in marked) { if(!((ch > m_cMinMarker) && (ch <= m_cMaxMarker))) sb.Append( ch ); } return sb.ToString(); } /// /// Stores information about one marker injected into the content. /// internal class Marker : IComparable { /// /// Init instance. /// internal Marker(char marker, WordPtr data) { _markingChar = marker; _offsetData = data; } /// /// The char used to mark the text. /// public char _markingChar; /// /// Data associated with the offset, to be returned along with the new offset. /// public WordPtr _offsetData; /// /// Compare by offsets /// public int CompareTo( object obj ) { if(_offsetData.StartOffset == ((Marker)obj)._offsetData.StartOffset) // Marker offsets in the stream must not be equal throw new InvalidOperationException(); return _offsetData.StartOffset.CompareTo( ((Marker)obj)._offsetData.StartOffset ); } } public void Dispose() { _markers = null; } } /// /// Introduces a HTML link derived from a text representation, correctly handling the possibly-present markers. /// internal class MarkedHtmlLinkConverter : HtmlLinkConverter { /// /// An author of the injected markers in the processed content. /// protected MarkerInjector _injector; public MarkedHtmlLinkConverter(MarkerInjector injector) { _injector = injector; } protected override string BuildHref( string href, string hrefText ) { return base.BuildHref( _injector.SweepMarkers(href), hrefText ); // Use the base implementation, but remove the markers from the URL } } }